yeah skipless is already a glitchless cat it’s jus called skipless instead
Recording in a higher fps, screen sharing on discord, idk a couple of chrome tabs open and you should be loading slower then usual.
restarting your game is the only way to fix it otherwise no other option
you gotta downpatch think its somewhere on the discord or forums
That trick is very hardware dependent and i’ve only seen a whole 3 people do it and i’ve tested it on an ssd same with vrifty and it loads to fast hence why it’s any%
I think there is a way but it seems like it works for some people then others it doesn’t it should be on the discord server in resources a tutorial
I don't think there's really that many requirements just do the mod application and just hope you get picked. Be active in the discord server you might get a higher chance
They'll fix it dont worry
any% is fair game with any glitch including hardware depended. and oob is glitches not hardware depended
sorry if my music gets in the way i was in the zone