Georgia, USALumilye2 years ago

Well I did get one clip on my switch, but it didn't capture how I triggered it. It was in The Waterpark, and I think I accidentally jumped over the check point and I ran into one of those coral grabby things. it booted me out of bounds by the beginning of the level. Don't think that one would be good for speenrunning, but it's still pretty cool. Another one I found though was in Southern Comfort. I was on the long moss tendril thing that touches the wall. Instead of going back down like you're supposed to, I kept going right and clipped into the wall. Jumping a bit and going right even more, I fell out of the map. I think that one would probably be more useful. I'll see if I can get a recording of it.

As for speedrunning, I'd probably go for the individual levels, I don't really think I have the game memorized enough yet to do a full run in one session 😅

Georgia, USALumilye2 years ago

I've accidentally clipped out of bounds quite a few times, but I see what you mean. Maybe I should come up with a different idea for a new category. Thanks for your time anyways :)

Georgia, USALumilye2 years ago

Hey I'm new to speedrunning and I'm not really sure who moderates this page, but I was wondering if you could add a new category? My Idea is Death%, where you race to see how fast you can die. A death being defined as falling into a pit/hazard/ clipping out of bounds and being teleported back to an earlier point in the level. What do you think?

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