Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n2 years ago

Mitchel Vivatson Mitchel Vivatson 1 day ago This is hilarious, I would love to see someone figure out how to use ACE to spawn a gaurd in kakoriko village for a speed run. 5 SPACE DELTA 18 personal for artist project SPACE DELTA 18 personal for artist project 0 seconds ago YES new wrong warp anyone? 0:00 any% (in game time) let's gooooo

speedrun: Heave Ho
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n2 years ago

😊valid as far as I can tell.

speedrun: Heave Ho
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n2 years ago

Playing it too safe! Take RISKS!!! you can do it! just take real risks, go fast, fail often. get skill. this is not a game to be careful, go fast and don't be afraid to give it 10000000%

tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

I wound't exactly use the word rare but I do have a GPU that's not only a few gens old but also almost nobody but me bought it.... an R9 285... I suspect maybe my errors are from having entirely red team hardware when 90% of all software is written for blue+green

tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

It's a ryzen 7 build... maybe it's too new? too many cores? idk...

tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

PJ64 and project64 are one in the same I just shortened the name...

Bizhawk has messed up graphics and sometimes crashes randomly even with normal known good roms...

tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

PJ64 struggles to open pause menus in several games often crashes when doing so...

Bizhawk looks like crap in terms of graphics then randomly crashes for no reason... oh and it's controller support is kinda weird...

Mupen64Plus... I can't even figure out how to even use it at all.... I know you need to download a GUI separate from the program it's self but that's too much of a pain in the ass and it should really just come with one....

tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

around 2012 or so I got sick of the username I made when I was 12 so I decided to name myself something that if you googled it, you would find a bunch of stuff that wasn't me.... I decided to go with the model number of a really shitty router...

Oh_my_gourdness, OrangePeeling och 9 andra gillar detta
tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

I am looking for an N64 emulator for the PC to play some hacked roms that never existed in cartridge form... I know I could spend a thousand freaking dollars on real hardware that plays roms off an SD but I'm not even sure that would even run a hacked rom correctly...

And before you say it's my roms that are bad I did try a handful of the non-hacked versions of these roms and they ran like garbage too...

I tried PJ64 Mupen64Plus and BizHawk... All of them suck dirt and have many many bugs...

Is there any working emulator for N64???

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

If you made categories for fastest 40 lines in tetris (in game sprint mode) and fastest 150 lines in tetris (in game marathon mode) do you think anybody would run it? If I had a capture card I would run it for sure even though my times would be about 5 minutes for 40 lines and I know that better players could get it in under a minute... but I know that all it takes is one person to start running a category and others tend tend to follow.

Btw can you point me in the direction of a capture card for the switch?

AriesFireTiger och kalarse gillar detta
Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

so why is that run not on this site?

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

Personally although I haven't tried it I think an NES controller with a USB converter would be good because it has the same amount of buttons... (note: get a real NES controller and an adapter... the direct to USB replicas break after like 50 hours of use)

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

this can apply to any generation of pokemon games.... But why is there no category for, or runners running to "beat all trainers" rules would be simple minor glitches to move around the map faster are allowed but avoid the major game breaking stuff please and the goal would be to beat every trainer in the game at least once each (some generations you can get the trainers numbers and stuff... that's a huge waste of time just one and done) and the timer ends upon beating the last one and it would make sense to me that it would be the last of the elite 4 but it doesn't have to be... also you can finish this run with any amount of pokemon and any amount of items so no this is not a 100% run just an "all trainers" run.

Finally I'd love to be able to say "I'm doing this run every night on twitch!" but I can't say that because I'm a viewer of speedruns but not a runner of them... Sorry.

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

that's strange why is it banned for english runs?

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

I want to see at least a runner or two attempt a category that in my estimations will take about 6 to 8 hours to complete... the goal is pretty simple, the timer stops when the player has enchanted a diamond tool with a level 30 enchant on an enchantment table that the player has built themselves including the bookcases that are required for the level 30 enchant.

rules are Minecraft version 1.8 or newer NO GLITCHES OR CHEATS no mods outside of optifine however if optifine is installed the player cannot use any of its special features such as the zoom in button... Set seeds are allowed as without one this category could take a very long time. Players must play on either hard or hardcore difficulty and villages must be turned OFF

I call it "enchanted tool RTA"

I have tried it myself using the seed -402652458 because it spawns you next to everything you need... mainly cows and sugarcane as those are hard to find next to each other on other seeds...

There is one small problem that I found with running this myself.... I am a freakin nobody.... I have less than a dozen followers on twitch and about the same amount of subs on youtube...

Can somebody please try this out to see if it could be a thing?

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n7 years ago

Bump can we get an update on this?

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n8 years ago

Oh playing on keyboard sounds like a real pain in the ass... Just get a 360 controller.

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n8 years ago

I wanna apologize for being an idiot here... I had forgotten just how many side quests are linked to the 120 friends however chimpokomon and completing al gore (note starting al gore gets al gore as a friend completing the quest just gets you items I think) do not get you extra friends to my knowledge so getting those might tack on an extra 20 or 30 minutes to the 120 friends category and completing it with the hasselhoff surgery would be a nice touch.

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n8 years ago

if I practice a bit I might be able to submit a run for all side quests. This would include chimpokomon, big game hunting, al gore, homeless problem, etc... And even though I don't think it should be required I'd even get the hasselhoff surgery in my play-through I suspect that real speed runners could do this category in sub 5 hours but my amateur ass would take longer.

Pennsylvania, USALinksys120n8 years ago

You are lucky you got 50 rupees I lost the game before it even started with the very same 1 rupee you get from loosing.

Om Linksys120n
Moved to PA, Not NJ anymore.
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