Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz1 year ago

imo people can say what they want, I care about fair competition, which involves two things, fairness, the obvious one, but also competition, in the sense that you need people to actually run the game, and given that memorizing insults in another language really doesn't feel like one of those skills that people run this kind of game for I'm all for doing the smallest possible hack that makes the song skippable in every language (and I'm going agains what's best for me, I'm italian, I could just use that version).

With that said it's not like there's one correct solution, like everything in this silly hobby it's up to the community, I tend to see it similarly to how people manage some fighting games or TCGs, where whoever made the product didn't always balance things out perfectly so you get official tourneys where some things are banned.

Archmagus tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz1 year ago

I did it enough times to crash the game, I didn't count but it didn't take that long.

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz2 years ago

We are trying to figure that out, Ron Gilbert himself said that setting RightMouseButtonSkip is intended, and we do allow it, the one thing that will probably not be allowed is to set lineSpeed to a negative value (which skips text automatically without any input but if you put a value that can compete with RightMouseButtonSkip you get very glitchy dialogues that stay on screen even when the dialogue is over)

Ayanami3rd tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz2 years ago

Soon there should be various runs, everyone did chapter 4 slightly differently but the general idea seems to be the same, but I think it would be less complicated to just look at some runs than to try and explain it all via text, so in not too long I'm sure the runs will be verified and ready to be seen.

Wiitcher tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz2 years ago

GL! To answer in a more specific way, most of us have no definitive route for part 4 as we are all working independently (I routed the first 3 parts for now for instance), I think some people are streaming attempts though.

Wiitcher tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz2 years ago

For now most people are working on routing the game on their own as part of a challange, I think it was mentioned in other threads here, but you'll be able to check some runs on october 3rd.

Wiitcher tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz2 years ago

if you want to do a micro monkey marathon (that only has the first 2 games) then there's a tab for the special edition versions, otherwise I don't know, it's a decision that needs to be taken by the community, but given that the special editions are slower I feel like people will not complain, regardless it's better to ask in the lucasarts channel in the speedy adventure discord: https://discord.gg/aBEueEn

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz3 years ago

Cool, also the demo has different mechanics, so Idk how much it'd help in practicing for the game, while swordmaster% prepares you way more in case you then wanna do some any% runs.

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz3 years ago

that's an interesting idea, the thing is, the demo category was added because the speedy adventure community decided to do various challanges from time to time where we all run a small game or demo in secret and we see how everyone fared after a certain time, the demo of monkey island 1 was used for this purpose, so no one really put that much thought into it, apart deciding to use dosbox cause scummVM allows you to skip text and as far as we know the demo originally didn't have this functionality, I guess we could discuss it with the community, if you haven't already you should join the discord, we could talk about it under the lucasarts section (it's more likely that people will see the message there)

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz3 years ago

lol, as always I never notice forum posts here, my 6 months late reply is that that version was made by a guy in order to fix some inaccuracies but as of now we only have the executable and the guy in question is nowhere to be found

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz3 years ago

I don't remember the differences between normal and megamonkey but I think this is one of them, from what I know no (useful) glitch has been found for this game yet

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz4 years ago

long story short, the best emulator in terms of accuracy and fairness seems to be this one https://www.dropbox.com/s/767muz0n2if7klr/ScummVM.7z?dl=0 which is a modified scummVM made specifically to fix some inaccuracies, I hope it can help

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz4 years ago

tbh I forgot about it, but here it is: https://www.speedrun.com/comi/guide/adcxb

hyperformance tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz4 years ago

oh right, no one wrote about this, we were able to find the file to swap between versions to have english text and voice while the game under the hood is in another language, this changes nothing else than allowing the song to be skipped even if the game is in english, we decided it was far to allow this

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz5 years ago

That makes sense and I never thought about it, I'm not a mod but I'm sure someone will add consoles

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz5 years ago

forgot to say that everytime you get to LeChuck's fortress you need to reset the c99 file

TheUnreal tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz5 years ago

I think spade wanted to make a guide on it, Idk, but I'll try to explain it here, first of all the glitch is not exactly a wrong warp, it loads a weird file (something.c99) like it was a savefile (also it only works in the amiga version iirc, regardless amiga is faster), so first thing you need to do is set up this file (before even doing runs). To setup the c99 file you need to play the game till the last moment in which you can interact with your inventory (right after using the voodoo doll against LeChuck), then you need to get as close as possible to a door, the prostrat here is to use the doll then walk towards a door and before Guybrush reaches it look at a random object in the inventory, Guybrush will stop inside the door, now look at dread's map, this will create the c99 file, now you are ready to do runs. The glitch is easy to execute, you need to do as the WR does, so basically playing in lite mode, getting out of scabb and going to booty, buy the map piece, go to dread and select phatt island, now you are ready to perform the glitch, just skip the first cutscene (the one in which LeChuck is angry that you got a map piece), you'll find yourself in another cutscene (the one in which you travel to phatt island) during this second cutscene click anywhere on the screen, this way you'll load the c99 file and you will "wrong warp"

TheUnreal tycker om detta
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz5 years ago

sinking the ship takes a lot of time (you basically need to set up the catapult again because no matter what, you need the bananas), also I think the final cutscene is either longer or tied, so it's not worth it (but we could time it I guess).

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyLeoLitz5 years ago

I speedrun monkey island 1 and 2, one thing the community always try to do is performing actions while walking, I noticed this doesn't happen in deponia speedruns (from what I saw), so I opened deponia doomsday and tried, I saw that rufus stops if you open the inventory, but if you click a destination right before opening the inventory he continues to walk, I don't know if this works only in doomsday or if it works in other games of the series, but it might be really useful

Om LeoLitz
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