speedrun: Roblox: DOORS
UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

but does afk time count tho?

speedrun: Roblox: DOORS
UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

oh ok Imma fix it rq

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

ayo right after I published this comment my 4th run got verificated

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

Guys, I was just curious, I wasn't complaining, by all means, take all the time you want, 3 of my runs got verificated which is enough to make me happy, sorry for the misunderstanding

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

wdym it's a theory with proof

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

maybe but still almost the same thing

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

And if we're gonna land there, why would it be called floor 2 like loads of youtubers mentioned? This is really confusing but noone except for me (I think) thought about that yet. Also rn I checked his Twitter and he called it "next main floor", but it wasn't called floor 2 by LSPLASH nor redibles so I think it won't be floor 2

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

Are you sure about that?

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

Ik that it is not the theme but I am just curious and I want to know your opinions, so at the breaking elevator cutscene we are going down and then figure gets dropped on what I believe is floor 0, but we continue to go down, so do we land on floor -1? And if so, whan numbers would be on doors? -200 to -100?

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

Thank you for explaining! I was just curious, take all your time you need and is that the real DV Plays?

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

understandable, this game is the most popular game to speedrun on this site

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

I have loads of pending runs, some of which I posted weeks ago and they ae yet to be verified, only some got rejected because of position of my stopwatch, but why does it take so long? Also when I visit some users' accounts their runs get verified the same day as they post their runs

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

My mother called me :/

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

oh so it counts? Dang I have to re-do my speedrun

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

In my speedrun I had to be afk for 5 minutes but is it allowed? or is it allowed only if the room where you are AFK doesn't have a key so it wouldn't count as cheating? cuz I was afk at door 99 and then when I entered room 100 there was guiding light

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

kreekcraft. yes.


I am bored I am not a weirdo and I regret writing this so get me to 10000000000 likes so I can get a therapy and find my dad because I have eaten cereal without milk for 50 years and you took my mother.

UkraineKyberstas1 year ago

ok I'll resubmit it rn

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