tråd: 2048
issue with gameover% is that its purely rng, and 10k% is basically just a 1024 speedrun. There is some strategy to 1024, I tried breaking the 1024 world record often and it is by far worst tile to go for because the optimal strategy for that tile either requires a corner 512 or building the final 256 in the 3x4 space above to avoid as much corner spam, its extremely inconsistant and even when you do make the 1024 its difficult to transition into making a quick 2048 because you built the 256 in 3x4 space so now your 1024 is shifted, unless you managed to get the 512 in corner
thecabillonaire tycker om detta
tråd: 2048
ye get 1k and 512 in there i agree with this dude honestly
CalebsGamesAndStuff tycker om detta
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