Alabama, USAKarateboy026 years ago

I’m still here and verify runs from time to time but not actively running at the moment. Hope to be able to again soon though.

IvanderLatidjan, Jackberry och 2 andra gillar detta
Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Yeah that jump is by far the most inconsistent in the entire game for me.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

You had that one turn back on the boss level that slowed you down but other than that just hit that early cycle on level 4 and you can have that 2:14. Great run man!

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Good job man! Get that thing submitted so we can get it verified!

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

On iOS you can pay to have them removed from the game. I did just because I figured I’ve gotten tons of entertainment from this game and just wanted to give back to the developers for it.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Why would it need to be deleted?

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Just checked on the description in the Apple App Store and it refers to it as the sand dungeon so I think we should update it but if anyone disagrees then we can leave it the same as it is.

IvanderLatidjan tycker om detta
Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Oh and shouldn’t we change the name of this one to sand dungeon?

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Not for long lol

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Yeah I’m guessing it was Evilrok that fixed the leaderboard setup. It looks amazing now and so very much cleaner.

I’ve always been of the opinion that the in game timer was the best way to Time this game. I mean it’s already there so why not use it and it also makes verifying runs much easier as well.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

I love the idea and will probably hop on from time to time.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

I absolutely agree. I’ve looked at this a few times but not sure if everything can be moved around like that without losing all of the times that already exist. If there is a way I’d be happy to make those changes.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Honestly I wouldn’t even know where to start on something like that for a mobile game but would be interested to see just what is possible.

slippers tycker om detta
Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Nope it’s the gold one with lighting everywhere. The one with sand everywhere is the sand dungeon.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

That’s awesome! Haven’t counted but just looking at it that might make a sub 17 possible. I’ll probably see if I can practice those and put them into my runs. After watching that it just confirms that you could for sure take the record.

Leka tycker om detta
Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

First of all you could absolutely do a run just as good and better even. It’s all about practicing the different skips and getting your movements down. Second I know of a couple places I could take off a little time but not even close to enough to make a sub 17. Put up some videos and show where I could gain some more time because I’d love to take a crack at it.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Just got it posted on the leaderboard :)

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Just destroyed sub 18 with a 17:16.03! I hope to have a video up shortly.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

Pound422 I update the time on your run so you should be in the right spot now.

Alabama, USAKarateboy027 years ago

I watched your full run while verifying it and man was I doing a couple of levels really wrong. From your video in just 2 levels I’ve found almost 20 seconds of time saves so that sub 18 time is coming as soon as I can quit dying in stupid places lol

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