I would also like to know what the requirements are for every cut-scene to be triggered... and what is considered a cut-scene or not.
I am not understanding how this works. It seems to just be using up other items instead. Maybe a video clip would be good?
For persona drops, Aigis' level does matter, the equiped persona lvl does not matter
a good example is on Antenora I - at level 42 the pool changes so that Raja Naga shows up VERY frequently
I might be wrong but I believe at 27 you start getting a lot of Sarasvatis from Malebolge and a lot less of the lower level personas, which are mostly the ones you want
persona drops go entirely off Aigis's level and I think enemy level gets factored into it too? although I haven't the faintest idea how. but there's a few points in the run where we start seeing a lot more of certain drops once Aigis hits certain level thresholds (usually seems to be when she's about 5-6 levels above said persona)
I was reading this document and came across this part:
If you hit 27 and don’t have what you need yet, then just reset. Persona drop pool gets way too wide at this point.
I could not find anything else confirming it... but are the Personas available to you in Shuffle Time actually dependent on Aigis's level? Does her currently equipped Persona's level matter?
Oh, okay!
TBH I kinda figured that was what that x2/x10 meant---although I have been getting some weird issues with PE when I use those settings.
Thank you very much for your replies! ♥
Yup yup!
I like PE a lot, so it would be interesting to see how speedrun stuff goes.
When I click on this link: https://www.speedrun.com/pe/guides/gfo70
I see this:
Just thought I would give a quick heads-up about it.