United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I uploaded my save file, since I figured out a way to "switch" save files. It wasn't that hard, I just hadn't bothered to go about doing it. I figured it might make it easier for new runners to get into running the game, at the very least.

I plan to update the save once I have all 6-star weapons, but anyone else can upload their save if they want. Unfortunately, there's no way to take a certain weapon or what-not from one save and put it in another, so I still have to try and get the OP horse on my own....

Mawfeen tycker om detta
United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

So I was recording a run, but accidentally hit the wrong button and paused the timer instead of splitting. I started it again as soon as I could, but there's obviously the issue of the timer being slightly behind my actual time for the run. Is there a way for me to still submit the run (because it was my best run in that category, despite however many seconds might not have made it on the timer), or is it invalidated because of that?

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I know that glitches are considered acceptable in both versions of running this game (NG+ and New Game), but I want to run the game normally without glitches. Would it be possible to make a category for that, or should I not bother?

Om Jade_Tyrant
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