You already know this. Not to surprising since how he had soooo many world records
I like my sensitivity all the way up so I can’t look around faster
You can do the IOS glitch in this game with screws like the rest, so why is there no Any%
So when you search on YouTube “super Mario bros tas” the first video is a tas that is 4:41
But the tas we use is 4:44, so why don’t we use the 4:41 TAS?
so ive been trying to the glitch and him/her keeps disappearing after i switch charters
There is already no lag abuse needed for this category
Long title but I’m not going to tell you how because I want WR
But it’s very easy (;
Carnivores dinosaur hunter needs more categories, like seriously this game compared to ice age is sad, but I’m not saying to completely steal the unique categories from ice age such as, 100%, everything% and extra, I just think we need are own unique categories. And I have two ideas
Achievements/trophies. So I think on PlayStation 3, and I know on mobile, there’s something called achievements or trophies, and my idea for them is that there will be two different types. There are 21 of them, and each 21 there will be there own category for each 21, and one for getting every single one of them.
Wave categories. So, only on the mobile version, there are 2 game modes. Normal and survival. And survival is kinda hard to explain what it is, so you have to get the mobile version to play it and btw, you don’t have to buy the full mobile game to play it. and you will know what waves are. And the survival ones will be getting to wave 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 21, 25, 30, 35. And I don’t recommend any more because it’s almost impossible to get wave 40, and only 3 people have ever done on camera.