I was about to post my runs for the DOS version but see my Windows runs have been moved to the DOS version?
The Windows version can be identified by the fact that it has a regular mouse cursor (rather than the coloured hand), and the game over message comes up in a dialog box rather than as a banner message. Also there's the fact that it's running in a window and has a menu bar. However if those might be cropped out, and if Windows is in a 640x480 mode, they are hidden during gameplay.
I may redo my Windows runs, since I've discovered that playing without sound will speed things up. If I do, I'll probably run them from Windows in 640x480 mode since the capture will look and fit better.
The Windows version seems to be able to run faster overall. It also supports the "Quickplay" mode on the 3D board which has been differentiated from "Full Animation" in the leaderboards, but needn't be for DOS.
So, could my existing runs be moved back to Windows? Then I can submit my DOS runs. Also, the DOS/DOS (Full Animation) categories can be merged.