British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

tbh that would make more sense it isn't really fair to have 2 players and 4 players in the same category, but it is what it is

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

what do you mean only one other player is allowed? that's not in the rules at all, and https://www.speedrun.com/ksa/run/zgn45gey

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

So I was just playing guest star, and I was using Vividra, and I realized that the rock painter move does a lot of damage. Like, A LOT OF DAMAGE. A lot as in it looks like three of them could potentially kills a boss from half heath... during it's defensive transition where it takes almost no damage. The problem is it's kind of hard to get the AI to cooperate, so maybe only really viable in co-op. I also realize that air-bomb is already kinda broken, but I'm just sharing an observation, I don't know what will come of it, but perhaps someone will find something.

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

So just to clarify, this isn't talking about adding a category for every ability, but rather copying in another board with more info, and we want to know whether to merge the two boards, add in the new board as a separate board, or just not do anything. Correct?

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

So when will the new categories be made?

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

Has anyone else had the same issue?

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

Wait, why would we make a whole new page for these new categories? Shouldn't we just add them as categories?

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

I was thinking something like a No ability for other things, like UC Kirby without an ability is really fun and different maybe we could have all abilities as options for uc/Guest star, and just have a category where all of them show

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

quite honestly all of these sound good

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

*7 votes If that's not a community, I don't know what is

Wild_Card och Kirbyfan66 gillar detta
British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

Ok i blamed the site devs and by that I mean I put my issue on the site bugs thread

tråd: The Site
British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

It's not really a bug, but some leaderboards allow you to upload an image instead of a video if it records with IGT or something. However, uploading an Imgur image link (eg https://imgur.com/QHUGNL3 ) will only display a link that must be clicked on, while uploading an Imgur direct link (eg https://i.imgur.com/QHUGNL3.jpg) displays the image. However, while it seems it sometimes lets you upload a direct link, most of the time it gives you a message saying "An image is not a video" and won't let you upload it. I suspect it may only block you from direct links if you're editing a run, and let's you do it if you're submitting it, but I'm not sure, I haven't done extensive testing. Anyway, I understand that TECHNICALLY the bug is being able to upload a direct link at all, but I think it should be changed to always being able to upload a direct link, as well as potentially changing the label from "video link" to "video/image link".

Quivico tycker om detta
British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

So I noticed that when uploading an image instead of a video, if you put an Imgur "Image link" (eg https://imgur.com/QHUGNL3 ) It just shows up as a link on your run, but if you put a "Direct link" (eg https://i.imgur.com/QHUGNL3.jpg) it shows up as a picture that you can look at. So I was trying to edit my run to use a direct link instead of the image link, but whenever I did that, I got a message saying "An image is not a video", however, I know it's possible to put a direct link, as I have seen people with them on the leaderboards, including a co-op run I uploaded myself! Does anyone know how to get around this issue?

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

Huh, I ran with JohnIsAGuy, so it's not the same guy, maybe it's a coincidence.

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

Weird, there must be some correlation, who did you do your run with?

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

So my friend and I submitted some runs in the Ultimate Choice Co-op (Both difficulties), but I realized that which player was which was reversed (Listing me as p1 Meta Knight and him as p2 Marx when he was p1 Meta Knight and I was p2 Marx, and me as p2 Meta Knight and him as p2 Marx when- you get the point) Anyway, I tried to edit the run, and it did list us as the wrong player, even though I specifically remember putting it in not wrong, so I tried to fix it, but it wouldn't let me change which player I was. By the way, I wanted to put and emphasis on I, but I can't really capitalize it more than it is, but I couldn't edit MINE, though I could change which player my friend was. Help

British Columbia, CanadaGroinificator6 years ago

I mean I get it I just didn't know speedrun.com had that (insert The more you know thing)

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