The game is out now so we need a category for the full game. The game has a few different endings which can play out fairly differently from each other. Aside from an 'any ending' category it would be nice to have either categories for each noteably different ending or a category for getting every ending one after the other. Thoughts?
For a couple of months I've been practicing Allied 12 : Sunlight. I've been aiming for 25mins. I'm guessing that I'm in the 30-35 range currently (not set up a timer yet) but have hit a problem. The map doesn't end. This has happened almost every time. I think it's because of units spawning off the map, waiting for a trigger to move onto the map and attack. Specifically there are Latin Dreadnoughts at the southern edge of the map. Sometimes they are far enough onto the map to target or hit with Thor splash damage. Sometimes killing them ends the map. Most of the time it doesn't. I'm guessing no one is really playing this map atm, but if anyone is, have you found the same problem or have any insight? A way around it maybe? Edit: Playing on Mental in case it makes a difference