tråd: Tekken 8
CanadaGingerSocrates7 months ago

Not having an in-game timer is unfortunate as it always ends up complicating things when there are different consoles, PCs, Harddrives, etc.

The way this was avoided in Street Fighter V was using round timer, which eliminates any worry of loading times. But has it's own issues like being more work on the runner/mod to track and count up the seconds. This can be mitigated by having an excel/google sheet do all the math for you, so you just have to enter the end time of each round. Ties are also an issue since there are no milliseconds, so that will have to be figured out as well.

I think it's possible to make programs like LiveSpilt auto recognize when it's loading or something, but that's far beyond my realm of knowledge.

FI3RY tycker om detta
tråd: Tekken 8
CanadaGingerSocrates7 months ago

From a quick internet search it seems related to both completing Story Mode and getting an amount of perfects in your run.

  • 1 Perfect = Azazel
  • 2 Perfect = True Devil Kazuya
  • 3+ Perfects = Angel Jin

So if Angel Jin is that much more of a time loss (I haven't done Story and haven't tried to fight him) then it's probably optimal to do runs on an account/profile that never beat Story Mode if this is indeed the case.

FI3RY tycker om detta
tråd: DNF Duel
CanadaGingerSocrates1 year ago


I've updated the board to have an Any% category to see how that goes.

As for the Strengthen Lost Warrior Fight, I don't think that'll be needed as to reach this you just have to not lost a round, and for optimal runs it is likely you would do that anyways. But could be added some in the future if there is more demand for it.

On the Moderators front, I am not able to make you one, however this game is a fairly low activity one, so 2 mods is probably enough for now but if it every picks up again I'll reach out and see about getting you added.

bosscatFGC tycker om detta
CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

Platform split was a thought but, IGT lets more people compete with each other and doesn't split the boards in half.

Also we'd have to split it PC/PS4/PS4 Pro since I believe that also has different load times xD

Cawffee tycker om detta
CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

Real Time is shown for the sake of comparison and to keep the board uniform. I'll poke Habble about maybe removing the column as it currently doesn't have any actual barring on the record / score.

As for why some are significantly slower... PS4, PS4 Pro and PC all have very different load times. :(

Cawffee och Kombeiro gillar detta
CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

Habble was really the work horse behind a lot of these category changes so they can jump in and add more information if I missed anything but, I'll try my best to give an idea of what the changes are trying to accomplish.

Subzero7 gave one of the reasons, there really isn't much variance in Survival runs to need a category per character. Similar to Arcade, it's the difficulty path that is really the difference maker and less the character chosen.

Additionally there were a lot of character boards that were completely empty, my run for Menat is the only Menat run on the whole board. I did that 2 months ago, she's been out since 2017. This led to a lot of "WRs" being grabbed that really weren't much of anything, there was no interaction or competition, it was free.

This issue continues with the difficulties as well, if you look at Hell and Hard difficulty, we have about 4 runs total? It's very unlikely we'll ever get a character run for each of these, none the less multiple per character to have any actual competition within those categories.

I will admit this was something that attracted some runners, as it gave a chance for easy World Records but, it kinda went against what the main goal of this board should be. To get the fastest Survival time. Removing the individual character categories gives everyone a chance to start focusing on optimizing the overall Survival times and should give everyone a clear goal to aim for.

Granted I understand that Character individuality and loyalty is a big thing in fighting games, and this was the one main counter points brought up to not merge the boards. People want to be the Best at their character and may not be interested in playing another one, even if that is the more optimal choice.

That's really a major draw of Fighting Games in general, and is something we're still trying to keep by keeping individual character runs present in the board, even if it's not the user's fastest time. This allows you to still filter the category by Character and it will change the board to show who is 1st place per character, without needing it's own category.

We are trying to find the balance between rewarding Character skill / loyalty while also shifting the focus to be on optimizing the actual speed of the runs. Which once again should be our goal on a Speedrunning board.

At the end of the day, we went with what made sense but, are not completely unopen to feedback. The people running the game are the ones that keep the game active and relevant so, if you have any suggestions, problems or concerns feel free to throw us a line and we can look into finding a compromise or solution.


  • Cleans up the board / Removes dead categories.
  • Makes things more competitive.
  • Gives Survival a new focus.
  • Filters are present to see individual character rankings.
Cawffee och Habble gillar detta
CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

I'm really glad Youtube has auto translate subtitles so I could get an idea what these videos were about. Also really glad these are informative and not you watching my runs and talking about how terrible I am haha :P

CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

As probably one of the few "consistent" runners of the game, I do agree there are a lot of things that could be looked into and quality of life changes to be made.

Like the Battle Items thread I made before, there has been plenty of changes to game modes and game play balance that require either new rules or categories to reflect this. Trials from other seasons, Random versus Fixed opponents for Survival, the non-cinematic story mode, All Arcade Modes or All Character Runs.

This leaderboard may be good to have a second active mod added to help clean it up, peck324 is the only active one left and while doing the best they can, wouldn't hurt to have someone else able to help organize any clean ups or help with approving things.

If needed I could also help out as a Mod, if interested, since I'm around often for the game and already have mod experience with other fighting games.

CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

"2. Survival has a Reverse Time Order so it's actually listing whoever survives the longest.

Though I suppose if anyone was interested in doing a "First to 10 Wins" Run that could be made into a Board."

This was the answer I got in the first post of this Forum the "Random Questions" one

CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

It usually takes a day or two, tho I'm not a mod there can't help you :(

CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

Nice they added all the characters now, I can upload some of the other ones I did :D

CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

Hey everyone,

Was wondering how you all feel about Battle Item usage? If they should be banned or not from Survival runs?

I personally feel they should be banned. Not because they give you crazy damage boosts or anything but, because of how you get them.

You need to grind to collect Battle Items by completing other survival runs or spending fight money on Fighting Chance. These are both from outside of your actual run and require you to grind for drops before even making speedrun attempts. Basically if someone wanted to make a run at a record, they will eventually have to grind until they have like 45 Katanas and then do their run.

That's why I haven't used any of my Battle Items, I've just been saving them until I have to cause I don't want to have to spend hours grinding JUST to be able to attempt a run that may end up failing half way through due to poor AI or execution errors, resulting in having to go grind up another 45 Katanas. (Not even considering how many items you'd need for Normal and up D: )

Granted I feel like Battle Supplements are perfectly fine for runs, since they're only generated in your run and use points gained from how you performed in that run. Which cuts out any additional out of run grinding and just relies on the luck of the run (and not running out of points though that'd be rare).

In the end, that's just how I feel so if everyone is fine with it, I'll just get to grinding for Katanas and roll with it. Might help with some records that are rough to beat due to balance changes but that's a story for another day.

Habble och kazamaki gillar detta
CanadaGingerSocrates4 years ago

Hey everyone, been playing this game a bunch. Was wondering a few things.

  1. Is there a reason some characters are missing from the Level Leaderboards? Like Terry, Andy and Joe are missing, which seems odd.

  2. What are the rules for the Survival category? That normally doesn't have an end? Should we be stopping at a certain amount of wins?

CanadaGingerSocrates5 years ago

So having spent some time with the game so far...

Time Attack - I haven't unlocked any Time Attack so, unsure how it's unlocked yet but, it'll be figured out eventually. Maybe adding how to unlock it in the Rules as a note could help someone who doesn't know? Unless they turn out to be pretty straight forward to unlock.

Story - So the Episodes in Story mode appear to unlock in relation to what was done / being done in the current Episode you're doing, if that makes sense? Tho I do agree it's a bit hectic, and once we finish Story mode once, we won't have that unlock order anymore anyways.

My best suggestion for Story Mode is some kind of All Fights Run, since people will be skipping cutscenes to save time, the Story order doesn't really matter? You could do just do all the Main Story Fights, Then Marie Rose, Then Bayman etc.

Don't know if a forced Order would be needed or not. Though if they bounce around a ton, it could be confusing to keep track when approving runs. Also they could like start with the "final boss" fight, and then run through the rest, that might look weird?

Another thing to consider is are they adding more chapters with DLC? Nyotengu has some, I didn't get the Digital Deluxe but I assume Phase 4 did as well. There would need to be some kind of cut off to ensure runs done now, would be valid in the future when there is more content?

Granted I don't actually see myself running a Story Mode run personally, but just giving ideas. Maybe someone actually interested could bounce some better ones.

DOA Quest - So haven't touched this yet but, looking at it... An any and 3 star run makes sense, though we'd have to see how popular it is to really known if both categories would be needed? Maybe just have an Any Star run for now, and if there are people running it, try out the idea of a 3 star run?

Also similar concern to Story, will they be adding more Quests with DLC and such? Cause that would make runs down now invalid in the future.

Oh also, a thing we could run here is possibly a # of Stars run? Like fastest to 30 Stars, 50 Stars, 100 stars or wtv. This would by pass the new quests added through updates issue, while also allowing for some kind of mapping and run planning? Like knowing which missions are quick and give easy stars and doing those instead of longer ones? Though this would be ideal if a new account / save was used each time to keep the star counter on the menu kept up to date.

I dunno random ideas lol

gamebrain tycker om detta
CanadaGingerSocrates6 years ago

It's pretty impressive, that anytime a new strategy comes up that pushes the Rookie Tag Record lower, you still manage to push Phase-4 times even lower.

No idea how you got that 0:11.250 but, getting the AI to let you have 5 rounds of that will make things quite difficult to beat.

I'll keep poking at Rachel see if anything else comes up with her, as well as giving the rest of the roster a try but, I feel like if I do, I'll see a Phase-4 run with 10s rounds from you haha!

gamebrain tycker om detta
CanadaGingerSocrates6 years ago

So randomly started trying Beerus and got 4:12 as well, really liking his 2M, fast and slides him hella far to catch the cpu when they land. Not saying he's betting than Gohan or Vegeta but, was a fun suggestion :D

As for the combo, no it does not hard knockdown so you can go back into it almost as soon as you hit the ground and it pretty much can work with any character unless they have weird normals.

ZigZagGamer tycker om detta
CanadaGingerSocrates6 years ago

While I agree that sub 4 would be based on getting the AI to behave, I still think we have a bit more ways to squeeze out time in general.

For example, for Adult Gohan I've started to do 2M M jump M H as my combo. This small change of removing all the L from my combo has made the timer end on 291 instead of 288ish for the first character kill.

The problem with this, is the last fight can result in much blocking and losing time not getting a hit. Worst result being combo'd for half your life cause of the damage change.

So we still can find ways to improve in both our combo strat and our AI strats. For team strat, it looks like just fast character lead with 16 in the back. I'm pretty sure Vegeta Blue hits the same / similar time doing the above combo as well.

Granted maybe I'm crazy and 292 is normal but I dunno seems like it's an improvement.

Oh also inb4 PC player gets sub 4 due to load times xD

Om GingerSocrates
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