Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

1.004 mentions "Today's patch also fixes a lot of out-of-world errors and soft-lock issues" - anything relevant to the any% speedrun? I've kept my PS5 from applying the update for now, but goodness knows I can't keep doing that forever.

Patricky5 tycker om detta
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

Any pointers? I've gotten it, several times, but I'm nowhere near consistent.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

In one of my boards we have a category with variables that don't obsolete themselves. The first-place runner also has a lesser run with a different variable (the variable is character class). His user page shows him having both 1st and 3rd places for that run (3rd being where his lower run would fall if it counted as normal).

The runner who is actually in 3rd place (4th best run showing) also has it on his user page that he is 3rd in that category. this correct? Is this how the site is supposed to deal with this scenario?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

I never ran it, though I've always had a mind to. Any method of skipping cinematics or forcing story missions to spawn in when Miles has to go on patrol? Those seem like the biggest things.

MiguelRiveraMercury tycker om detta
Washington, USAEmeraldAly3 years ago

For verification. One of my games just had a slew of new submissions from somebody who probably doesn't have very strong internet, and used console streaming so he or she almost definitely does not have other capabilities for recording their runs. This game uses an IGT system (which I'm pretty sure is reliable), and one submission the reported IGT (which is shown in the VOD) is 12:53.

The VOD itself lasts 12:28. There are many moments where the action is discontinuous. I have near total confidence that these are stream "burps" and not an attempt to cheat, but I still feel that runs like this should not be listed. I feel like there's a minimum standard that this fails to meet. My fellow moderator verified them anyway. AITA? I don't want to just flagrantly overrule him (even though I feel pretty strongly about this) so I'd like some opinions.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

I'm not looking down my nose at anybody, or trying to say it shouldn't be. I just genuinely want to know why it is. (Had the same questions about Resident Evil 7 at its heyday because OH MY GEEZE did that game have a ton of runners when it first came out)

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago The only thing I did since the last time I streamed was download an OBS update (26.0.2). Now every time I try to launch OBS, it's a black screen for about 10 seconds, then a "Oops OBS crashed!" error box comes up.

Any ideas?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

Quite without specifically trying to, I've already run several of these - Hue, Pneuma: Breath of Life, Stick It to the Man, Flipping Death, Murdered: Soul Suspect (99% of the time), ChromaGun (a Portal-esque puzzle game {it's a paint gun}).

Now I can confidently say it's something I'd like to find more of. Given that games without combat often rely on story for their merits as a game, and that is to the detriment of a speed game, this might not be a niche with a ton of possibilities. But I'd still love suggestions for good speed games (good movement/strats/skips and glitches if possible) where you don't fight or kill anyone, or at most a pinch of comic, cartoonish fighting.

Major exception: horror games where you're supposed to run and hide (Outlast, Amnesia, Soma). I know runs take away the spoopiness of these games but I just have a hard time enjoying them in the first place, plus they probably would still spook me (and they're just thematically not what I'm looking for).

All suggestions appreciated ☺️

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

We've allowed limited use of milliseconds in submissions on . Two issues arise, one is runners filling in milliseconds when they shouldn't, and I know there's no getting around that except manually.

But the other, I wonder if there's an easier way than me having to fix it every time every time every time every time. LiveSplit displays milliseconds as a two-digit number, but for whatever reason, makes it a three-digit number. So if someone, on an eligible run, gets a a time of 45:15.30, that's exactly what they'll put into each box. 45, 15, and 30. Which gives a reported time of 45:15.030 and makes me GROAN audibly.

I've added a note to the game rules about this but no one ever reads those. Is there any way that I can make milliseconds a two-digit number on this board?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

The game in question is Ironically enough, the mods who had been inactive for, in some cases, years, have been back since I was granted modship for pending runs. But I have a bit of a problem.

There's been two pending IL runs since 31 August that I've been desperately hoping one of them would address, and since they haven't, it's about to reach the point where the runner could request involvement above game moderation. Bluntly put, I don't think IL boards should exist. We should be speedrunning games, not tiny portions of games, and "runs" that last only a few seconds have always struck me as kinda BS. I've never implemented IL's on a board I've had since its birth and I never plan to. (Sidenote - the purpose of this thread is not for me to justify that opinion. If you like IL's, great!)

But, this game had IL categories, long before I was ever involved with it. To be honest, these submissions were the first time I ever noticed that. There are very, very few runs in them. Just a couple from some of the old, largely inactive mods. And none of the categories even have rules. Given my paucity of experience with IL runs, am I even the best option to verify them?

I sent a message to the most recently active of the other mods, asking that he (or one of the others) handle this, but he has not been back on the site in a few weeks. If it were 100% up to me (which it is not), I would just delete those categories outright. I do have some sympathy for the runner who's been waiting, though it looks for all the world like they only did these "runs" to score free WR's.

In short, I really don't see a palatable option. I'd like some help on the matter.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

Hello, for some time now I've streamed by using Window Capture with the Elgato device's native software, and using Desktop Audio to pick up game audio. This has the undesired effect of bleeding over onto my mic, so I was recently suggested to start using Video Capture Device instead.

This works a wonder for PS3 and PC. I can capture the game and all audio goes only to OBS, not to my streaming PC's speakers, so there's no bleedover onto my mic.

PS4 is another story. The Elgato simply refuses to work when I try this with PS4. The only thing it ever shows is "No signal" despite the fact that if I deactivate or remove the Video Capture Device from OBS, everything goes back to working fine. It shows up on my TV perfectly.

It is not HDCP. That causes a different problem I would recognize (essentially, it makes the signal "stutter," giving a frame or two every 10 seconds, say - the problem here is there is no signal whatsoever). Regardless, I can guarantee HDCP is turned off.

This is my setup just completely dying. If I run the Elgato software as normal, without a Video Capture Device in OBS, everything is fine again. I have picture and sound on my TV, and on my streaming PC. But it would bleed onto my mic, so that's not a possible solution. But activating the Video Capture Device makes everything stop.

Can anyone help?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

I'd like to offer some translation work to anyone strong enough in Japanese and English to translate some written Japanese into English for me. DM me if interested, we'll come to terms on price and timeframe and such.

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

Give your best examples for each. Let's keep things positive and leave out bad game/bad speedrun (also if a game truly is bad at both, it's probably not that well-known). When I say good/bad game, I just mean its merits as a casual game for someone with absolutely no intent to speedrun it. As for my picks...

Good game/good speedrun - this is definitely the easiest category with the most possibilities, but I probably couldn't live with myself if I didn't pick Dark Souls. I adore the game personally and have played it casually a good dozen times probably. Most people play it once and feel an immense sense of accomplishment for completing it once (and rightly so). Deeply challenging while also perfectly fair, it's the kind of game you're hard pressed to feel bad about failing at. The exploration aspect of a first playthrough is also top-notch.

But it's a magnificent speed game also. Practiced runners not only dispatch bosses with seemingly effortless ease, they also perform intricate and visually impressive sequence-breaking glitches a casual player would never encounter. The experiences are fundamentally different (such that the handful of attempts I've made at picking up the run over the years usually never last long :P ) and I quite love them both.

Bad game/good speedrun - I'm gonna bring up a game called ChromaGun. It isn't a horrible game, but several things hold it back from being truly enjoyable casually. It's a first-person shooter puzzle game, and when you read those words, what do you think? Well trust me, the ChromaGun developers did too -- the game is littered with Portal references. The poor voice acting of the narrator (and the scant few "sassy sarcastic" lines they gave him for when you respawn after dying) can make slogging through the puzzle rooms a bit of a drag. I will say the ending is a bit of a treat, though. Again, I don't hate this game but in my thumbs-down Steam review I gave it a 5.5/10. It's just not great.

Yet with that said, I kinda got addicted to playing it fast for a little while. When you know the solutions to each puzzle room like the back of your hand and your challenge is rather to execute them as quickly as possible, the entire feel of the game becomes different. You almost never hear that mediocre narrator. The Portal references are Easter Eggs that are out of the way for a speedrun. It's just movement, puzzle solving, and at a pretty speedy clip to boot. It's not a bad run game at all.

Good game/bad speedrun - inFAMOUS 2 is one of my favourite games of all time and is by far one of the most overlooked gems on the PlayStation 3. I think we've finally reached the point where inFAMOUS 2's graphics wouldn't be acceptable for a modern AAA game, but it sure took a while. This 2011 game pushes the PS3 about as far as it can go performance-wise and the writing and voice acting are simply phenomenal to boot. Both the game's endings (Good and Evil karma) are tremendous. How many games struggle to have one good ending (lots!), this game has two incredible endings.

But there's very little tech to a speedrun. It's just doing the missions fast. Movement and fight optimizations alone might sustain a 20 minute run for me ( cough cough ) but not a ~3 hour run. In contrast to the original inFAMOUS, which isn't quite as good on its merits as a game but is full of interesting speed tech, inFAMOUS 2 would never be a game I could seriously dive into (and haven't, despite running other inFAMOUS games).

What are your picks?

Pear och Ivory gillar detta
Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

We're figuring out the leaderboard and categories for Ghost of Tsushima right now and there've been a couple interesting proposals that rely on starting from a post-game state. It would take many, many hours for runners to setup savefiles for a post-game state, with upgraded gear, and the content wished to be run untouched.

To be perfectly clear, I don't think that's a problem, but I can't deny that it would greatly increase the popularity of such runs if we could all draw from one community savefile, like a PC game could. So is this in any way possible?

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

I want a third-person action game with three-dimensional movement, WR between 20-100 minutes. Something in line with past games I've run like inFAMOUS First Light, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and Mulaka. Any ideas?

Eligible platforms: PC, PS2, PS3 (and I suppose PS1 via BC), PS4, Xbox 360, WiiU, Switch

Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

What do you as a mod do? This isn't a question with a singular right or wrong answer, I'm just looking for what you have done (or would do) in such a scenario.

I'm checking out a recent submission for one of my games, for the full-on any% category. We also have a warpless category (not to mention an even more restrictive "No Major Skips" category). So far the run I'm reviewing qualifies for all of them, and while I'll of course watch the run to the end to make sure, I suspect it will throughout. So what's the best course of action? Verify the run as any%? List it in the more restrictive categories? Both perhaps? A warpless run is an any% run, it's just a needlessly slow one. (Similarly, a NMS run is a warpless run is an any% run, but also a slow one)

I suppose completion percentage might be a more commonplace example. A 100% run is an any% run, so if it was submitted as any%, do you as the mod honour that, or move it to 100%?

Ivory tycker om detta
Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

None of my games have them. Must be some option I'm overlooking.

Moorea tycker om detta
Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

Chex Quest. I'm talking about Chex Quest.

While I know there's a grandfather clause in place for games and boards before rules were tightened, and this game certainly is deserving of a board, eating a bowl of Chex as fast as possible is something that very definitely is against the current rules

[quote]What We Do Not Accept

At this time, we are not adding the following:

  • Short/Trivial Games
  • Generic Puzzle Games
  • Generic Typing Games
  • Geography Games
  • Vocabulary/Math and other Educational Games
  • Quiz Games
  • Generic Sudoku Solvers/Minesweeper Remakes/Rubik's Cube Solvers/etc.
  • Visual Novels/Interactive Movies
  • PvP-Related Activities
  • High-Score Based Submissions - Non-Video-Game Activities[/quote]

Emphasis mine. So is this ok? Certainly, if people want to do this "speedrun" nothing is stopping them but I don't think it's something the site should devote resources to tracking.

dripping och xenkaroshi gillar detta
Washington, USAEmeraldAly4 years ago

This isn't a seriously serious concern, but it's something one of my communities has been discussing a little lately. We have a game that's fully multiplatform (PC/PS3/360) but the DLC episode for that game is only for console (PS3/360). The mustard race bois are hard at work trying to emulate it, and we've seemingly come to the agreement that when they do manage to get it right, runs on emulator will be a separate category. All is well as far as that goes.

The other possible situation, and it seems kinda remote, we're mainly discussing it as a strict hypothetical, is whether our M/K runners could use that control method for a console run. I actually tested it with my PS3 - though the console is capable of looking for a keyboard, and the lights on the keyboard light up when I plug it into the PS3, it can't control the game. Nothing happens when you press keys.

(Personally I'd defer to what seems to be the gold standard rule with emulation -- "can original hardware do it"/"is it equivalent to original hardware" -- but as I have less than zero interest emulating the game, the use of M/K on emulator won't really fuss me too much)

Presumably the question is about the use of something like this -

Is this something you'd allow in your games? I'm just looking for opinions here. I feel like my own, which you can probably glean from this post :D , is pretty mainstream, but if I'm off my rocker, that's always good to know too :P

Om EmeraldAly
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