Iowa, USADangerless5 months ago

Yeah, you are correct, that was always the drag to bringing ILs into the leaderboard long ago and another reason Boss Rush had taken priority as the idea to "ILs" (sloppy if anything though).

I appreciate a response, dip had originally brought it up to me shortly after I posted this thread so I was actually kinda excited that some talk and decision making was already in the talks to happening. I happened to ask meowmix a few hours ago about the possibility, have yet to hear a response though with all this.

As you said though, unfortunately, without using an emulator the only solutions are using the debug code (although it would be possible to create some new codes to have more direct warps) but as you said, having to use cheats. Which just leaves doing what is done in Boss Rush...which is also tedious in itself.

Thanks for making some time to respond to this thread.

Prangle tycker om detta
Iowa, USADangerless5 months ago

Hello, it has been a long time since I posted or had something to pitch about the game but over the last couple of days recently I started thinking about how flawed Boss Rush in itself is as a speedrun category. I'd like to explain and hope the moderators/other runners of the game will take into consideration;

  1. Timing

One of the prime issues with timing in this category is that the timing for bosses is dependent on boss screams, which doesn't quite work right for RTA timing due to how Boss Medals and Keys are obtained in the game. Some of them you are generally leaving sooner than the game would had normally given you a key/boss medal and some screams are not exactly "fast"...sometimes you have to wait on them. Those who are very familiar to the game would generally have an idea when timing ends on bosses, although for Black Jewel the timing itself still ends upon lost of control of Wario.

So, the timing for the boss would start upon entering the boss loading zone when the screen turns black and timing would end upon the lost of control of Wario (when the cutscene of the boss defeat begins).

  1. Route

Another issue that always came out of Boss Rush is that it dependents on a completed file that also has Battle Arenas and Crystal Entities already cleared and out of the way. It also makes use of the ByeBye Balloons, which allows you to skip half the level in most cases but you are still having to transverse through the level itself in order to clear a boss to begin the next segment. The category idea is meant to defeat the bosses as fast as possible and having to go through any of the levels quickly to do this objective is...kinda silly.

  1. Is the category forced?

In my opinion, from when I originally added it, I had presented the category to some of the older Wario World runner folk and at the time they had agreed the category still felt too forced to be an ideal category to run on the board but also understood at the time that it did some form of variety. Looking at it again, I feel more strongly that these should be boss ILs instead. The category was also created created at a time when most modern strats (including SJs) were never a thing.

  1. Boss ILs

An old topic of this came up once for general ILs which were frowned upon but I believe Boss ILs should be reconsidered in the present time with the consideration of breaking down Boss Rush and would allow more runners to get into the game with some bite size action. As the game currently is, I can understand why some users may of want some form of ILs to exist, also considering that the other Wario games in the series have created Boss/level ILs far more recently these days, I think its worth a look into and something the community should think about. This would also allow for more crazy potential with Bosses in general (Dual Dragon being a big example) and allow risks that normally most runners would not endorse in their own runs. It would be amazing to see some of the most optimal boss fights possible.

  1. The pitch

Adapting to change is something people sometimes struggle with, but I want to believe this would honestly be a big and welcoming change considering all the many other categories and runs people do these days. The expansion of variety would be nice, so my pitch is what is all written above.

Iowa, USADangerless9 months ago

Sorry, I don't actively check the forums too much but there's been some off and on discussion about this and currently I'm okay with runs being submitted with it.

Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

Pretty sure a long time ago we agreed about banning those, being able to change poison mushrooms into health (red) mushrooms is pretty overpowering and changes how you approach the game for example. It also creates a paywall to run those kinda categories which is probably also frowned on.

Might possibly be worth a misc category, probably nothing more.

AmeJade tycker om detta
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

Personally, I never liked this period for a lot of different reasons and the primary one that comes to mind is when people forcefully adds ILs to a leaderboard but it mimics that of how the any% or whatever is setup. So, then what some people end up doing and I used to see it from time and again was that they would splice up their any% run and submit that segment to the IL board.....its redundant. So now you've got an any% run on the boards with segements also cut out of it for the IL board.

Another time I once had a situation that someone tried to submit their Wario World any% run into a glitchless or no super jump category (I forget which, its been a long time) because their run ended up meeting those requirements. I didn't want duplicates across the leaderboards and would have people strictly stick to a single category for their run, I just felt it was pointless regardless if it did fit, I saw no point why anyone would want to see duplicates across the leaderboard. I believe we ended up trying to fine tune that issue so that wouldn't be an issue.

Although I know its different across every single game, it always seemed like the above two examples was what I generally ran across. Every category should be different and no same run should be able to go across multiple ILs/categories in my personal opinion.

Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

Thought I'd post and say, I'm a fan of the simplicity of the bot and what it does. Recently started using it in our community and it was a welcomed addition, hope to see more development out of this.

name och slashinfty gillar detta
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Because it's really arbitrary, there has never been any interest in doing them for the last three years that I'm aware of, there's also the problem of even trying to define a proper ruleset for those because of all the customization you can make with mini-games and settings.

Instead I let some of the mini-game have a reserved place for the IL board which seems to have some small community interest.

Speaking of that, I saw that another thread of yours spoke of another mini-game that is not on the list. Was that a mic exclusive mini-game and if so, how many of them are there because I would not mind adding them.

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

I have looked at different perspectives and in general, the only complaint is nitpicking. If anyone really had a serious complaint it would be how runs are actually displayed on your profile but this isn't really my fault but how the site handles runs on profiles.

Just because runs aren't all being displayed as "default" with subcategories does not mean the exact same thing still exists either way, besides having to click a couple of times to sort out the runs. The runs that display are all the best runs the runners have provided and placed onto the board as a "default", which statistically is interesting data to easily view between these modes.

Other Mario Party games "could do this very same thing for the same similar reasons" if they wanted to but I have already expressed why they don't. To be frank, some of them are fairly small games with a lack of runners to really care enough to apply or make any changes. The ones that are large and active could easily do this for all the same reasons but these boards were added during a time when the filtering option wasn't even a feature yet and no one was that interested by the time it was a thing due to the amount of runs and work it would take to move such runs. However, this isn't about those games, this is just about Mario Party 6.

The fact of the matter here is, I get the nitpicking issue but its an extremely minor complaint and pointless one to boot. If you are too half-assed to manually sort the runs, I'm still not sure what to tell anyone. The runs across these modes are generally nearly all the exact same, if people want to find your runs trust me they will do it and if a runner wants to see where they stand they can still sort out the runs to see where they stand among those who also did those runs. Having all these extra categories is still pointless because they literally almost all mimic each other to the T. I would reconsider if there were significant differences in play here, but that just isn't the case here.

I'm not going to turn the other way and revert the board back to how it was almost a year ago. You can feel free to dislike it, but it is not stopping anyone from submitting and running the game.

Edit: At this point, I feel I've answered everything to the best of my ability and I've also made it clear where I personally stand with this. I don't think there is anything else I need to say, but if others still feel they have something say please feel free to use this thread and keep it civil.

tråd: Tetris 99
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Locking this thread, the issue has been resolved.

tråd: Tetris 99
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Since group messaging is not enabled on the site yet, I will create a forum post to get the attention of the moderators here.

Out of a curiosity, I recently discovered this game exists on the site although I didn't expect it to be mostly tracking PvP related activities from the game. We have an on site policy about PvP activities that we do not accept them onto the site, this game is doing mostly that and changes need to be taken into effect. These rules were strictly put into effect of spring of 2018, games prior to this date were not affected by the change due to legacy reasons and previous staff. This game however does not get a slide by with this.

We want these particular categories removed as it makes absolutely no sense in tracking times for them, those being the PvP related categories.

Series moderators are to abide to the rules as we have set here; https://www.speedrun.com/requestgame

We would strongly prefer that the moderators here adapt the proper changes without site staff having to interfere and apply changes ourselves. In the meantime, we will be watching this thread expecting responses to be made to this thread.

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

No. This was mentioned here; https://www.speedrun.com/marioparty6/thread/wn38s

Filter out the runs on the board if you want to see the top runs for your respected category, this is literally no different than using subcategories and this is a lot easier to maintain and manage. The change was to reduce the pointless extra categories for having no differences aside of what the AI may do at times which isn't very notable overall so it was just a bunch of people submitting runs for free world records, even then as I've mentioned on discord I am still letting people submit different difficulty runs onto the boards.

I want subcategories to be meant for actual different categories on the leaderboard (in this case "CF" and "100 Stars" for solo mode). So, if you can't make two clicks, I'm not sure what else to tell anyone because it's as easy as that. Other Mario Party games could actually do this very same thing for the same similar reasons but that also means they would have a lot of runs to move (this game didn't have as many runs that I had to move) so that is likely why other games in the series don't do the same thing at this point. Though they could at any time.


tråd: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@chriswft No, and honestly we don't want games like this on the site period because its centered around PvP activities so we are stingy about doing much about it. You can use the auditlog to place the runs back onto the board.

tråd: Talk
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Mr. Rogers, I assume "TV show" could be anything but if it doesn't have to be a cartoon then I'd have to say Mr. Rogers. It's the most memorable show for me growing up.

Otterstone_Gamer tycker om detta
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@roopert83 I will send you a friend request on discord in a bit and we can talk, thanks for the quick reply.

KilleDragon tycker om detta
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

We've been told there have been runs pending since October (an insane amount), I'm not sure who to begin to contact for this leaderboard but I need to bring this to attention that they need to start being verified. I've already looked into as much as I can and I would highly suggest replacing moderators that can start re-assisting with the verifying process.

I know the stress and headache it is with a large amount of pending runs (this is how our game request queue tends to look at a faster rate) but these can't be left alone as it is because it means I'll have to manually make adjustments to the moderation here.

Again, I'm not sure who I should begin to contact and I'm trying to make this aware.

Lul_ecks_dee, KilleDragon och 5 andra gillar detta
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

I'll give you my take if you are willing to commission me for my input.

I do not believe for a minute any school, college or program is giving out assignments to take on an essay about speedrunners (if this is being posted on a website, then I really want commissioned). If this is more along the lines of a survey, I still want commissioned.

I'm going to be that guy that calls out how incorrect this is.

Edit: Just to clarify, I'm being honest. I'd just like to know what specifically this is meant for.

tråd: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@petaQ I will move Jess up then, he should be able to add you now.

@oORaydenOo Patience

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

As a general matter, copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner. In this case, these files were distributed and publicly displayed, violating copyright laws will get users into trouble with the law which whatever your country laws typically are and speedrun.com will follow through with any DMCA claim made. I recommend researching your own laws in your own country. Speedrun.com follows the laws across the world as much as possible.

Emulation itself is not illegal, however providing illegal files on speedrun.com will result in a permanent ban, again consider this a warning. "Playing" is not the same as illegally providing said content on the site.

Feel free to review the site rules here: https://www.speedrun.com/rules

If you want a reply from the owner himself feel free to contact him here regarding illegal practices; support@speedrun.com

If there are other leaderboards that you are aware of that are doing something similar to this, please contact us Full-Mods immediately.

tråd: The Site
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

@BostonBrew First you need to submit a game request here; https://www.speedrun.com/requestgame

Make the name of the title of the submission: Star Wars Battlefront (2004) Category Extensions

We will then accept the request, category extensions are a separate leaderboard but it will be linked up to the original board.

BostonBrew tycker om detta
tråd: Talk
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

If it's not possible to turn it into a speedrun then it'll instantly get rejected but unless you try and make it into a speedrun no one is going to know rather it gets accepted or rejected since we also know nothing about it.

Just from the sounds of it, I'll save you a little bit of time and suggest that you ask the moderators of Tony Hawk's Underground 2 for their opinion and input since from the wiki source its a type of mod of the game. https://www.speedrun.com/thug2

Note: In the meantime, even if you wanted to submit this to the site for review we have rules in place that users need to connect some form of social media to their account (this is to make life easier for other people that need to get in touch with you regarding the game/mod in questions at any time) and you need to be registered on site for a minimum of seven days.

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