DDRKirbyISQ2 years ago


v2.01 had numerous bugs that were introduced by the new godot version that I didn't notice until now (serves me right for rushing and not testing it thoroughly).

v2.02 has now been released using an older version of the engine. I've played through the entire game and things seem to be back to normal.

DDRKirbyISQ2 years ago

FYI: v2.01 is now released and up.

The only change was a bugfix -- level 1 was using the time attack start point, even when time attack mode was off =( This meant the opening cutscene was skipped entirely.

Actual speedrunning shouldn't be affected at all. It's worth noting that this build was compiled on a different version of godot, so there may (?) be slight performance differences (webgl audio maybe?) but otherwise everything should be the same.

DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

I can't have you in a state for half a frame, though? Like, frames are discrete units, it doesn't make sense to talk about a dash lasting for "12 and a half frames" unless I really overcomplicate things.

I could have increased the dash instance slightly to compensate but really 12 frames is how it ought to have been working all along.

DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Colors of Your World v2.11 has been released and depoyed.

There was an unintended change in v2.10 that caused dashes to carry over across screen transitions. v2.11 is a hotfix release that reverts that behavior so that dashes now end at screen transitions as they used to.

DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Colors of Your World v2.10 has been released and deployed to ddrkirby.com, cocoamoss.com, and itch.io.

This is a bugfix update that fixes some timing and movement inconsistencies that mostly affects speedrunners.

  • Fixed a bug where the timer would advance for some frames when starting the main game before inputs were able to correctly be read. This caused movement to be delayed anytime when loading from menu.

This change caused most previous full-game runs to be slower by some small number of frames which were lost during the initial loading transition.

  • Fixed a floating-point imprecision bug that caused physics state timing to be inconsistent.

The following states were affected: Dashing state: Was previously 12 or 13 frames (random), now 12 frames Walljump state: Was previously 12 or 13 frames (random), now 12 frames Period after mushroom bounce for being unable to bounce again: Was 30 or 31 frames, now 30 frames Period after mushroom bounce for being unable to dash/cling: Was 6 or 7 frames, now 6 frames The end result is that dash lengths will be slightly shorter overall, but consistent instead of random.

Overall this makes dashing slightly slower (for movement) than it used to be on average, though the time between dashes will also be slightly faster on average. Overall the run could become slightly slower because of this change, but it's hard to really say what the effect should be. Consistency, however, is definitely a good thing.

He tycker om detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

"The shortcuts to unlock Time Attack and reset don't seem to work on Mac."

So there's nothing wrong with the shortcut itself, but unfortunately certain keyboards don't allow for this keyboard combination to be pressed in the first place. I've tested this on a MBP (use a site such as https://keyboardchecker.com/) and it doesn't seem like you can hold tab and have both arrow keys recognized. Using an external input program works fine, so this is actually just an unfortunate hardware key rollover limitation (or a silly driver quirk).

I know this is a silly workaround you shouldn't have to do, but you could use an app to send the appropriate key config to your machine?

"In a future update, could you create a new "cheat code" to go back to the last screen you were on?"

As discussed on Discord this would be a little more involved than simply warping your position; I'd have to restore the timing states of all enemies as well, since they currently run on a global timer.

Rémink och TCM gillar detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Colors of Your World v2.09 has been released to ddrkirby.com, cocoamoss.com, and itch.io.

This is a hotfix release to address the two bugs that @NoJoTo pointed out above.

  • Fixed a bug with speedrun warps where mushroom bounce velocity could be retained
  • Fixed some speedrun warps being broken in world 3 in normal mode

The mushroom one was simple, I just didn't reset your velocity on respawn. Whoops! The world 3 warps being broken was because the maps for world 3 were laid out in the wrong order in the object hierarchy for whatever reason, so my warping code got confused about a couple of things. This affected a couple of different warps in world 3 (normal mode only).

He tycker om detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

@NoJoTo: Thanks for the testing! I'll work on fixing both of those, shouldn't be too bad.

@He: I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're saying. I've made it so that starting on screen 2-10 (as well as any other cutscene screen) does not start you on the left side of the screen, but rather in the CENTER of the screen, WITH the powers having already been gained from the cutscene. In other words, you start out as if the cutscene had just finished. If you actually try the 2-10 warp this should make sense.

DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Colors of Your World v2.08 has been released and deployed to ddrkirby.com, cocoamoss.com, and itch.io.

This is a quality-of-life update with one major new feature, "speedrun shortcuts", which can be enabled in the pause menu.

  • When enabled, press both shift keys and a letter on the keyboard to warp to a specific screen
  • Shortcuts are organized according to QWERTY key layout So 1-1 is Q, 1-2 is W, 1-3 is E, 2-1 is A, 2-2 is S, 2-3 is D, ...
  • The in-game-timer will be prefixed with a screen name to indicate where you warped to For example, if you started on the first screen of world 2, it might read "(2-1) 00:23.126"
  • Every warp will start you at the screen transition from the previous screen, or alternatively, the point at which a cutscene ends. You'll have half a second worth of transition time to buffer movements and prepare before the timer starts.
  • Note: You'll need to let go of the shift keys before you can register inputs normally
  • Note: These shortcuts don't work during cutscenes, but they do work during death

These can of course be used for practice purposes, but also for individual level records. For example, if you wanted to time World 3 only, you would start on screen 2-10 by pressing left shift + right shift + semicolon. The final time displayed at the end of the game would be your world 3 time.

Note that this also lets you skip ahead to screens you haven't seen yet and provides a quick and easy way to unlock challenge mode even on a new file. I considered tracking which screens you've completed and which you haven't to gate this, but in the end I didn't bother; if people want to skip levels and actually bother to read the documentation to do so, go for it.

I tried my best to reset everything (including cutscenes and visual elements) appropriately based on your warp point.

No other changes were made (I hope), but this is the first time a new build has been made in a while, so it's possible I introduced a bug somewhere. Please let me know if you find anything.

No previous records should need to be obsoleted by this update.

lexlul och He gillar detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Version 2.00 of Unlock Everything has now been released (both on ddrkirby.com and at itch.io).

Changelog is as follows:

  • Decreased the health of cannons from 10 to 6
  • Decreased the health of the path-based enemies from 5 to 4
  • Added a different "tink" sound effect when shooting invincible spike traps
  • Implemented a terminal falling velocity limit
  • Add commonly-suggested "You unlocked the door" joke for level 2
  • Unlocks are now saved across game sessions
  • Added a "Reset Game Data" option if you want to unlock everything again
  • Added new "Time Attack" mode for speedrunners: Time Attack mode skips all cutscenes and popups and enables an in-game timer display The timer ticks on each physics frame and pauses on screen/level transitions The current set of splits and total time will be displayed after each level
  • Added some "cheat codes" for speedrunners: Left + Right + Tab + 'T' on main menu unlocks Time Attack mode Left + Right + Tab + 'R' during Time Attack instantly exits to Time Attack menu

Hopefully this helps with all of the timing nonsense and makes for a much better speedrunning experience. All existing records should probably be purged -- the game should just be timed using the in-game timer, which counts actual physics ticks.

Some random associated notes regarding the time attack run, especially things that have changed:

  • IGT stops ticking during screen transitions. It does not stop during death (except for the screen transition).
  • The level 1 opening cutscene is skipped -- you instead immediately start at the screen with the "move right" upgrade
  • IGT does not start ticking until you collect this upgrade
  • Since there are no unlock popups, you can no longer buffer moving left after collecting the "move left" upgrade -- this must be timed
  • Enemies have reduced HP -- in particular, the cannon enemies -- which may change existing room strategies
  • A terminal velocity limit now exists. This mostly affects the long drop at the end of level 2
  • Starting time attack mode at Level 3 gives you the "backgrounds" unlock even though this is usually skipped in a normal run. This is purely an aesthetic difference.
  • Since the health recharge pickup before metal man no longer costs you any time, it is essentially a "free" pickup. This doesn't really matter though since any optimized run will avoid taking any damage in the Metal Man fight anyways.
  • Final timing for level 3 ends immediately when "Metal Man" dies.

Note that since the "start at level 2" and "start at level 3" options assume that you pick up all of the upgrades in each level, they can't be used to simulate a "low %" / minimum unlocks run.

This release hasn't been thoroughly tested yet so it's possible there may be bugs -- feel free to ping me if you find anything that is broken (crosses fingers)

Rémink och TCM gillar detta
tråd: The Site
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Got it, thanks!

WoofMasterArf tycker om detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

I'm planning an update later this month with (among other quality of life changes) a slight decrease to cannon / linear path enemy health that should help out.

TCM tycker om detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Luckily this one was quick. The bug has been fixed in 1.1.2 and deployed to ddrkirby.com, cocoamoss.com, and itch.io.

What happened was that I never actually update each individual saved collectible status until you pick one up. So upon starting a new game, if you don't collect any items, then I correctly save that you have 0 items, but I don't actually save that all items are available (your data from the previous save will carry over there). So unfortunately you just ended up with a file with missing items.

This has been fixed, I always save both values now. Let me know if you find otherwise!

Unfortunately if you have a corrupted save file I didn't bother trying to reconcile the items, so you should just restart. I guess I could have just re-created random items, or better just just re-adjusted the count, but I didn't bother. Again, this only affected you if you:

  • had an old game where you collected at least one item
  • started a new game, and quit before collecting a single item

Hopefully that's rare enough that it's not a huge deal.

NoJoTo tycker om detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Yeah I poked around to see what was up with my games. Some people have started running Unlock Everything as well, but apparently it's really annoying to time due to timing inconsistencies and I never implemented an IGT there, so I'm going to have to try and work on that as well...

tråd: The Site
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Hi there! Game dev here -- I've noticed a handful of my games popping up on speedrun.com, which has been great fun to see. I've been in touch with a few of these communities and have added some quality-of-life improvements to make the runners' lives easier.

Unfortunately there's no way for me to actually tell when any of this happens besides literally searching for every single one of my games across the site to see if someone has already created a community for it.

This is perhaps more applicable to indie releases than anything else, but if games could be searched for by developer that would make my life a bit easier. Plus, you know, supporting the actual developers of the games we love, always a good thing ;)

The pipe dream for me is to actually be notified whenever there is a new game listed that's tagged with my name on it, but even just a searchable field would be good enough.

Oxknifer och WoofMasterArf gillar detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

As far as I know, you can skip the following unlocks:

  • Menu Music
  • Menu Graphic
  • Menu Particles
  • Health (meaning, one hit kills you always)
  • Background Art
  • Buster Ammo
  • Autofire
  • Health recharge (not that it does anything anyways since your max health is 2)
TCM tycker om detta
DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

I'll submit a reference run for this -- I have a video from back in October 2019

DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

=( Ok that's pretty ugly. I'll look into fixing it. Thanks for the report.

DDRKirbyISQ4 years ago

Interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about having death warps be part of the run as it feels a bit silly. While it does increase the "depth" of the run in terms of allowing for more possibilities for timing for certain screens, I wouldn't imagine it's super enjoyable for a runner. It would be better if this room was just reworked so you don't have to do this.

At the moment it's not really worth me doing anything about though.

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