Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 months ago

Super Cock and Balls Torture lmao

I love speedrunning

VolcanicAkuma55, Carigs, och hans_fm17 gillar detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC5 months ago

Welcome to Hardware Arms Race Hell

35MilesOfLead tycker om detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC9 months ago

An unfortunate side effect of having these runs on the extension category board is that people will do the runs on the lowest difficulty once and get a much better time than can ever be achieved on the hardest difficulty and it makes the board completely uninteresting

I think putting Kerotan on the main board, or grouping the runs by difficulty on the extension board solves the problem

Sogohi tycker om detta
tråd: Portal
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC1 year ago

Can I be a mod? I love Postal, it's my favourite game series. Postal 2 is defo the best one, I'm a big fan of the bit with the clones of Gary Coleman.

Some facts about me:

-I love video games

-Going on the internet for more than 60 minutes per day is a violation of my parole

Althea_Rightclick, theReallyNooby och 3 andra gillar detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC1 year ago

I can understand the short voting period when there's runs coming in. The mods probably felt under pressure to enact a change so they can begin verifying. Many votes for decisions have been as long or shorter than this.

I don't think we can have Loadless IGT when there's this many runners against it. We are talking about modifying the game. Most people who voted loadless IGT said they were happy with RTA loadless and still showing the legit scorescreen future proofs the board in case we want to change later. Everyone wins with it, so it's the obvious choice imo. I genuinely do not see a downside.

I'm fine with the overall board changes and think the mods have made the correct decision for the future of this board

Gl in the MC runnerz especially new people picking up this game for the first time. It's a great speedrun!

MsLunaMGS, CalistaRain och 2 andra gillar detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC1 year ago

I think it's ridiculous to allow Loadless IGT and mess with the game when the option to use Loadless RTA is right there

Loadless RTA also makes The Sorrow fight actually interesting in multiple categories.

We should not be messing with the game's score screen. The goal of a load remover is to make competition between runners fair. Loadless RTA achieves this.

Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC1 year ago

Yes turbo

No save states, I see you are all in favour of it though which is a real shame. Getting the correct RNG is part of the grind and using a function of an emulator to skip that is just weird. I think it's cheating personally and it's the exact kind of shortcut a cheater uses to achieve a time they think they deserve.

It's exactly the same as fixing Ames, PAL key spawn, knockback animation. The levels were designed with this variance, imo we don't get to use an outside tool to change that. Especially something that can only be done on the emulator.

You play a game that has such limited instances of RNG already that you think you can just remove them because they are inconvenient. It's short sighted and it's something you will regret doing in the future.

, RSpeedy, och dlimes13 gillar detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC2 years ago

If someone does the run I am sure it would get added to CE

j0ta och BlackyY1007 gillar detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC3 years ago

Record some test footage with what you have and we will tell you if it's good enough. Our standards are not massively high but we need to be able to see what's going on, on the screen.

j0ta tycker om detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

It's kinda funny, I don't care if it just gets left there.

Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

1 Round Bouts is better than 2 round imo. Should be default.

Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

I only play on PAL, personally I don't think they should be separated but it's fine if they are. I don't think we should retime/convert run times. If you want NTSC loads, play on NTSC.

DBcade tycker om detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

Just for transparency. I was the person who originally wanted PSNow separated and the community voted against it.

Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

We have had multiple discussions with the community regarding the separation. That's why it's set out as it is. I did runs on the PSNow to test it and inform these discussions. I would be happy to reopen them and again discuss the merits for separation but I would need to see some submitted runs first. We aren't going to change the leaderboards for someone who isn't currently taking part in them.

Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

PSNow and PS3 are the same version of the game. I have done multiple runs on the PSNow which can be found on my profile. It's a slow PS3, the loadtimes have nothing to do with your internet connection. There is absolutely no reason to separate for this.

Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

Yo welcome Lee Tea. Exclusive glitches on the PS2 version and huge differences in loads means the Playstation 2 version is very different from the HD collection. You wouldn't be able to beat any HD Collection times on the PS2 copy.

Marsh_GL tycker om detta
Lancashire, EnglandCharliCQC4 years ago

If the difficulty gives it by default, it's perfectly fine. If you have to unlock it, it's not allowed.

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