New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser1 year ago

I too wish for the downfall of doctorswellman

DoctorSwellman och goblinbutler gillar detta
tråd: Deltarune
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser4 years ago

The run was verified at the time with video proof, so it will remain on the boards. Next time you have a problem with something that has nothing to do with you, try private messaging instead of pointing fingers in a public message board.

parcr, Raven48 och 8 andra gillar detta
tråd: Deltarune
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser4 years ago

im closing this thread. its switch. youre playing it on switch.

Bain8renn och Kory_ gillar detta
tråd: Deltarune
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser4 years ago

your switch didn't become a pc did it?

RichConnerGMN och Bain8renn gillar detta
tråd: Deltarune
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser4 years ago

IL's will not be considered until the full release.

Tadyman, WizardVapes och 3 andra gillar detta
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser4 years ago

Most categories are fairly well optimized for what we have to work with currently, but new things and ideas can always be found. With how open ended this question is im just going to lock the thread to prevent endless replies, but feel free to join the discord server to discuss things further if you wish.

Pear tycker om detta
tråd: The Site
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

Does the file type need to be a specific type? Im trying to upload .PNG files and im getting an "Error: invalid image" message without any explanation as to what the issue is lol.

New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

2k or 3k is kind of on the low end when it comes to damage were looking for in runs, feel free to join the discord btw if you havent already.

TTInquisitor tycker om detta
tråd: Heartbound
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

Until the game is fully released, the boards will ignore version differences. Otherwise there would be many different unnecessary board splits, on the already thin boards. If you are interested in having a competitive time in any of the categories, simply use the newest version available.

Thor has already mentioned himself that if anything is found that does not damage casual game play in any way, he will leave it in to the benefit of the speedrunning community. This is very helpful down the road for when new patches or versions are released, as the boards should most likely remain in one piece.

When the game is fully released, all current categories will most likely be moved to a miscellaneous tab to exist as race categories or be removed entirely. Full game categories will then replace them as their own tabs.

tråd: Heartbound
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

As Animus and Jotunheim are eventually added to the game, the boards will add categories that “build” off of Tower Completion. When Animus is released, a category will be added called “Animus Completion”. Since Animus can’t be accessed before completing tower, this creates a linear path through Tower and then into Animus, no problems there.

Now on to Jotunheim release. Currently you are able to enter either Animus OR Jotunheim after completing Tower, and if it remains like that a category called “All Acts” and "Jotunheim Completion" will be created after its released. "All Acts" would exist because with the choice to do Act 3 out of order, there would be no reason to do Animus in a Jotunheim run. Therefore no Category would include all 3 areas in a meaningful way.

If instead upon completing development for Jotunheim Thor decides to block access to the area until after completing Animus in game, only ONE category called “Jotunheim Completion” will be added. This is because "All Acts" would no longer makes sense, seeing as completing Animus would be required to enter Jotunheim anyway.

KaioSekka tycker om detta
tråd: Heartbound
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

Runs backed up from up to 7 months ago verified

Clearer timing methods and rules made for each category (existing runs and the before mentioned new runs all re-timed to match said changes)

The "All Socks" category which had a run by @induceddata was removed. Until the game is fully released, this category would have issues with updates adding new content regarding the categories completion. The category will be added back upon the full release of the game.

Axe / no Axe variables removed from Tower completion.

Category name changes to better portray the completion goal

Inactive mods with no contact info removed

tråd: The Site
New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

Just did some Heartbound runs a few days ago and after submitting a run, I realised none of the moderators have been online in the last 7-12 months. I wouldn't mind modding another game, but i havent been able to get in touch with any of the current 5 mods to check as each of their twitter/discord/twitch accounts have been deleted, as well as their info on SRC.

New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser5 years ago

I understand not being pleased with someone keeping strats to themselves, but that is not a reason to reject thier runs. That's ridiculous, what if a new runner does a strat you dont know about and they dont realise its unknown? Are you going to reject thier runs too? Again, I understand your frustration with them keeping strats to themselves, it's usually common to share strats with other runners. But this is absolutely not the correct way to deal with that.

Edit: okay I didnt realise the game crosses multiple platforms. Thought it was just in switch which is one of the safer consoles out there right now. I understand the issue here, it's still a shitty situation.

New Brunswick, CanadaBlueser6 years ago

On full release, All prologues will remain a category primarily for short races, (assuming prologues remain unchanged upon full release) and individual character prologues will possibly become a misc category.

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