I can not for the life of me do the buttons at the beginning quickly, could someone please help me with this?
I found a thing at the beginning where you use left to open the door, instead of waiting for it to open, you can just load save and have the door open directly in front of you. Is this something I can do and just retime my time in the game?
I am on Xbox but my firend is on Gamepass Ultimate on PC. What category does that fall under?
As of today, all pacifist and genocide runs must include Fakit. You can find him the top left room after beating the dummy.
Hey guys, so after I beat the game I might start running it. I was wondering if PS2 emulator is banned or not and if there is any way to connect and auto splitter to it. Thanks guys.
When I get to the Haunted House and get the pony power up when ever I try to jump it takes forever to register. Is this just me or is it the game? I'm using an emulator btw.
I am learning to run this game so I was wondering if we could get a guide of all the button presses for dialogue with every system taken to account like perhaps: (Line of dialogue)A,X,3...or something like that if that makes sense
I want to start running this game on the SNES Mini emulator I would like to know which other Emulators are legal and if it is worth it or not.