Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

@rossoserous warning shot first and final: Meerkat is banned, if you allow him evading the ban by letting him talk through you, will have the same consequences!

and yes it would be patched out if a method affects multiplayer, the game crash methods are off the table.

no that's not how it works... you can't disallow glitches for a category and then accept accidental dino drops if you gain an advantage through them.

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

look that's exactly the problem with "glitchless", it's pretty self explanatory - the moment we allow meshing and dino dropping (intended or by accident) it's technically not "glitchless" anymore

also since duping would be a highly non intended method (when done ingame) it would be patched out by wildcard in future versions making it harder to verify and contest

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

so what's your guys opinion about duping items / resources ingame (methods that require to leave the game mainmenu or intentional crashes are excluded)

please keep in mind that these methods are mostly version specific and could be patched out in future versions. also it would have major impact for the following runs:

  • extinction (corrupted hearts)
  • fjordur (runes)
  • every default run requiring farming (shot gun strats)

@FrostyGamingSnowman and i talked about it and we are both on the same side here -> it shouldn't be allowed as it would bypass major parts of specific runs

should it be allowed or not?

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

it was me, cause no one actually did it, but there's still some interest as your not the first who asked about it.

QoB will be restored if actual runs get submitted (submit them as any category and write in the description that it's a QoB run or let Frosty or me check it by DM)

I might add the QoB rules as a guide so you guys have something to look at (settings will be the same as for the other runs)

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

if there are enough ppl interested in nonded runs, sure why not? but currently we only had (besides of you) one other runner who just ask out of curiosity.

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

difficult question, if it crashes - restart it (same as for beginning the run - host first than the rest of the runners) - technical problems are case by case (depending on the problems)

if the server crashes multiple times, there might be a bigger problem, that should be fixed before actual doing a run

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

currently we only accept dedicated, due to the tether distance to the host on nonded

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

finished not completely, check out the mp rules from lost island its the latest version - most of the discussions are moved to discord (yeah, I'm also not a fan of that...)

if you have any question just ask

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

you are free to use for everything, however if you need more (or lose) cryopods you have to craft them.

Be_A_Maverick2 years ago

probably just missed, you're not actually thinking about a QoB run?

Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

quick guide on how to break this category:

    1. first open browser (any)
    1. search for cheat
    1. start RoN
    1. start run (any)
    1. get killed as fast as possible
    1. WR lowest score
Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

i think predefined checkpoints are probably the best. for the island it could look like this:

2 free checkpoints

before entering each artifact cave before a bossfight (only at obelisk) after a bossfight (only at obelisk) before tekcave (only at entrance)

Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

so i think everyone had enough time to response and the current state is very clear for point 1 (should checkpoints be added)

now we need to make clear whats the min length (point 2)

i want to separate session length (your recording time) and checkpoint length (time between checkpoints)

making a checkpoint will take approx. ~3-5min (logging out - closing the game - open save directory - backing up savefile - starting the game - showing settings - logging in)

so i think 1-2h would be fair

alternatively we could predefine the checkpoints by reaching different steps in a run (artifacts / bosses) and additionally giving X amount of free checkpoints (runner can freely decide where to make these checkpoints)

Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

just to make this clear while multisplitting default runs isnt a big problem for a speedrun, backing up the actual savefile as a checkpoint actually is, cause as far as i know no other game uses this method, so we need to be transparent with the backup process (backing up the savefile needs to be shown same goes for loading in a checkpoint).

Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

"if they die, and not for reseting for spawn rng" - could be easily outsmarted by dying when seeing bad rng - so i would suggest if it obviously looks like abuse it should be a reject reason

Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

while discussing this topic the past couple days, we made a concept like draw of how it could work but some things needs to be discussed with the rest of the community

but first things first: the concept is about allowing the runner after a specific time (duration will be a topic to discuss) to create a checkpoint of the current state of the run by backing up the savefile (if you fk up your run or you get rng trolled you can load from the checkpoint - time continues during this)

discussion topics:

  1. should checkpoints be added for default (consens: YES)
  2. whats the minimum session length between checkpoints
Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

first of all it should be defined what 100% runs would look like (i think 100% ever stage + all bosses) i dont recommend real 0 - 100% savefile as it would be extremely boring and super long (im currently +50h and 97%, yeah you can be a bit faster but still a ridiculous long run) - random set should be added i agree.

PS: can i become a mod, please? PSS: why difficulty "hard DI4" is missing?

Be_A_Maverick3 years ago

the problem is that there are no real rules only the default speedrun.com rules. besides that dreamscaper is a pretty "unknown" game atm. but for a rng based rogue like its by far one of the best rogue likes for speedrunning, no other rogue like i played so far gives you so many opportunities to get a viable build for a run like dreamscaper

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