Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

mhmm..... i looked over that post and it seemed after the fact the issues down at the bottom where fixed with just no duping however it left instantpass open as that should be ban as well but i would like to hear that one out first before i give my full input on that.

i guess i need to watch both 3 and VC AM and see what is and isn't done and try to see if it can work in SA AM unless someone can break it down real fast for me that'll be really awesome!

right now i am more leaning on keeping it the same but would like to hear about i said at the top though and the input others have along with it.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

GF hype! kidding

alright if it can stay the same i would be cool with that but if change is needed i would like to hear what is or is not a mission and as well being consistent along with the whole 3D Trilogy. This should also be agreed along most of the runners. i think that is fair.

Please let's keep this open minded and keep the trash talking out just one time.

BustaCarl och Mhmd_FVC gillar detta
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago


  1. is Quarry a permanent marker or when CJ is close?

  2. BMX and NRG don't have markers why should they count as missions?

  3. if BMX and NRG are added might as well add freight than right?

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

AM was change to ASM cause some people had it as you where skipping a mission while doing GT skip ( imo that " mission " was a checkpoint ) so it was given less than a day to vote word hardly got out and GT skip was ban from AM and a name change was felt needed to let others know it's not the same run anymore and those who had a run with GT skip was removed and moved to the " meme " boards

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

@Tirean mhmd_FVC said in discord that ASM will be moved to the misc. part of the main board.

any movement of these runs has to be made i'll side with this one by far.

just wanted to inform you and other readers about what is happening.

LaserTrent tycker om detta
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

ASM imo should stay it's a different requirement by a whole regard than any% NMG/dupeless

  1. you have to get a particular sex appeal getting a particular haircut takes part of that. as well what vehicle you're driving and how damage it is.

  2. have to watch how often you save the game and how much you eat as muscle and fat has an affect if you gonna waste 2 mins or not.

  3. has added mission that would fat out won't ever have to be done in any% NMG/dupeless.

  4. reason why ASM isn't a popular run is to my knowledge of a rule change and imo killed the category however rules can change again ( won't make that argument at this time. )

  5. while ASM or AM as it ones was called was made to counter dupes in the any% run however made a whole new run in birth of duping. ASM shouldn't be deleted just cause any% NMG/dupeless in coming to the main board as it doesn't fully replace the run.

inclosing: ASM is and will be a less popular run than any% NMG/dupeless that is just the way it is and still really believe it was killed over a definition of a " mission " to some and was hardly give the time to vote on the matter before the change was made ( again this argument will be made on a later date. ) if others like to give their own reason to keep ASM of course let them be heard but other than what i said there isn't much else that i personally know of.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

Not to worry there is a place where the " meme " board is already been link to on a thread i've post that link down below


by now i think most of those who taken part of this discussion have tried out their keyboards beating in the fact of the matter. I also think a lot of people have said their part and are going to stick by them until this whole thread stops or gets locked ( hopefully that won't happen. locked i'm meaning ). I personally won't get into what is wrong with the GTA: category extensions hopefully with your comment Tolly2Hot the mods there will get to work on building up their own board and making it attractive to runners but with my own personal experience with that i don't see that happening.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

Apologies Mehmet. english_ben likes to mock people do with that info as you will.

As you might of saw with my post i think LS% and all the other cities should stay on the " meme " board it's a really good place for them and i think it would just congest the main board.

rodge tycker om detta
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

could it be a sub tab under any%? i've seen other speed run games like that so couldn't we do it along like that? just asking.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

when did this become a thread about finding the " meme " boards? and imo a run that well represents the game in it's own unique way but not so stretch out to the point where one little change means a new listing should be on the main boards so

any% / any% NMG / ASM / 100% / All Tags / All Horse Shoes / All oysters / All collectibles

those runs should/is on the main boards with rules that defined what kind of run those are and what restrictions shall be in place ( as we have it already maybe a little more work in ASM idk )

the " meme " boards should be just that meme runs.

LS% / Badlands% / SF% / Desert% / LV% / RTLS% / Cutscene% / hooker% / low% Bad ending etc.

should and is on the respected board.

popularity shouldn't dictate a run being on one board or the other. the demand is there for any% NMG / dupeless to be on the main board and there is.

i'm not kin on bullying one another or shit talking and I thought we where trying to cut down on that happening on these threads.

what I suggested was turn down hard and I took that. Not always a bad thing when you're wrong.

LaserTrent och Thunder gillar detta
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

and at that same time having " old " runs on a new category on the main boards to me isn't attractive and that would hardly say the current status of that category as i said people i've talk to about this category they've known of the "meme" board and don't see it as legit and let's say i have a run that fits the criteria ( i don't and just using this as an example and yes i'm a controller boy ) but i had Ginput on a year ago and wanted my run on the boards even though i didn't submitted it before would i be wrong? well if you look at the current rules now yes i would be but not a year ago or even 6 months ago now there isn't that many " controller boys " on the boards for this to be a concern but i say if you want your old run on a new category just redo the run or ( i forgot who said it ) at minimum yourself resubmit that run don't make the mods do all the work. now let me just say i see i'm out Number here and i won't continue adding in the same comment over and over as that is annoying and i'll apologize for that.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

@a_jar_of_hair_mayo i could take that tbh. but also why not pick up the game and get a time in and have "old" runners come back and submit a new run? what is so wrong with that?

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

okay that is fair i can understand that but my view point is that having old runs on a fresh " new per se " " any% dupeless " makes it seem as though no one runs the category anymore and it has died to a more popular run.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

as i said it's just my opinion on the matter and to me having a top 5 runs but being a year old runs and those same runners don't even run the game anymore with rules have to be adjusted for this " any% dupeless " i think there'll be more competition for runners to put in a run than having grandfather in runs. To be flat out i really don't care how new of a run was put in i just think having a clean slate would be better, again this is just my opinion i'm not saying that is a demand from the community or others having the same view point only me myself and i.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

i've been watching this grow and imo " any% dupeless" or whatever it shall be called, i've always held that it shouldn't of ever of gone to the "meme" boards. myself and other runners i've talk to about this seem to side with me on this as duping kills runs and to put a run in a "meme" board not everyone views it as a legit run but that can be broken down to opinion rather than fact. ASM was made to counter any% as we know it today ( or so that is the story i've been told ) but the only thing i don't like with ASM is the GT skip but that is done and over with and that isn't what this thread is about as some of you need to learn to stick to the discussion at hand. also if/when " any% dupeless " does come to the main boards i say don't carry over the runs let it start fresh and not have old submitted runs on there and make feel age like ASM is right now again all of this is imo.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

i've had this happen to me as well and nati if i recall i found that for some reason my rmb was always being push without me pushing it i had to close out the game and then click my mouse and everything was good again check that to make sure something like that isn't happening to you

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

You made a thread asking how long before flyings run will get approved and seem as though you're a fanboy of his now you are trying to get it removed from the boards?

Anyways there isn't anything wrong with the file size at all and as KZ said you're a troll and tbh the last thread and this one needs to be removed imo.

ClingingTomcat8 tycker om detta
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

that has happen to me as well thriving not to often but i've seen that

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

oddly someone i know ask why his mouse wasn't working with dxwnd i wanted to help booted up the game change the setting to mouse and key and i couldn't move the camera i tried unplugging my controller and messing with the setting in dxwnd as well to hear you're having that issue leads me to say if you're using dxwnd try booting up the game without dxwnd and see if that'll help.

Om BackmadeJay
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