He also hacked in Find The Doges... and I guess in all the games he played
He has two accounts... this being the other one: https://www.speedrun.com/user/LucasTheWolfSG
Great Lap
Tienes que ver si el juego al que quieres hacer speedrun permite el uso de emuladores y cuales son permitidos. Sobre las ROMS creo que no está permitido poner enlaces por acá así que solo me queda decir que busques en sitios confiables.
Depends on the game you want to speedrun. Check the rules of each game if they allow emulators and which ones. You could also ask in the forums of the game.
Some threads that could be helpful: https://www.speedrun.com/smb1/thread/syuww and https://www.speedrun.com/speedrunning/thread/pt010#ch14Can_I_use_an_emulator_virtual_console_to_run_
I have run a few webgames. I think that counts