Just coming back to gloat and remember I will never play this game again
Oh hi. It's complicated and even I don't understand it fully but from what I can tell the game has a short period after you fall off a platform where you can still fall, it's called coyote time if you know it, its supposed to deactivate after jumping but exploiting it you can activate it after jumping and basically get a second jump. It's supposed to be like frame perfect but if you spam you can hit it pretty often, I personally use a 2 finger spam on the jump button using index and middle finger and use the index for regular jumps if you are asking to try it yourself but whatever feels good for you. i believe the main moderator has a very interesting video on the subject (or one of the mods) as well as a lot of vids on red ball stuff if you are interested, but I forgot most the info so look at that if you want more info.
I did get pretty good luck on revenue tbh. Not the best but pretty good. Half the time i end up with 60k-80k which is completely useless for the 2 goals I run (I say goals because I run pickle℅ which isn't an ending).
Thanks, I had a few runs ready to submit and now I can.
Firstly, how can you differentiate between the classic and unity build? I just want to make sure my run is In the correct leaderboard. Also, is the run retimed by moderators, meaning only a rough estimation needed on my end, or do I need a more specific estimation? How exact do i need to be when first submitting a run. Also, do i need to show the full level entering process or am i able to just have the gameplay including the first frame of movement available and the last frame where the timer updates?
Didnt even realise you weren't 2nd. Just assumed you were. Idk how on earth i managed to get something better than you
Thanks to you. I didnt even know about those before you told me.