Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

In Sonic 1 glitchless, the restrictions are sweeping bans of glitches that change the stage routes significantly, not specific instances of tech listed for each stage. The only similar restrictions in No Exploits here are the Be Prepared skip and Exile clips, which are reasonable. However, the other restrictions either don't change or barely change the stage route. Swiping in the air to gain height is basic movement tech and skipping ledges with it doesn't change the route of the stage. Leopard spawner skips don't change it, not doing boulder skip is a very brief detour back to the same place you would have been anyway, jumping through the bone wall in graveyard doesn't change the route, the first giraffe head jump is another brief detour and the second one skips nothing. Even the health bug jump is questionable because all it takes is a neutral jump to grab the ledge, not really a glitch. The case for the existence of No Exploits in this game is very weak, especially in comparison to S1 glitchless. If it is going to exist at all, I think it should stay in misc. Technically anyone could come up with any ruleset and spend hours on it, but I think it's important to consider whether a category has a natural existence or if it is arbitrary. It's not about individuals, it's about keeping things simple and sensible as a leaderboard should be.

SaveTheWorld_JG, Insomnimatics och 2 andra gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

No reason to believe that. These are two completely unrelated issues, one is about how times are displayed (not changed or adjusted, the milliseconds are still part of the run even if they aren't shown on the submission) as they exist with the current rules and the other is about dealing with a time advantage one platform gives other another. That advantage can still cut full-second barriers. I only think milliseconds are unnecessary with the current level of optimization, not forever. Let's not derail the thread with an unrelated topic.

Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

The runs still have to retimed anyway cause the timer start might be off, so it's no more effort to do milliseconds vs tenths.

EIGHT tycker om detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

@8BitsOfJoy Right, that's the case with all speedgames so there's definitely a level of leniency there with regards to video frames rates compared to console frame rate. As long as the milliseconds are counted as accurately as possible using a program like you said. I agree with there being no immediate need, but fine either way.

@Bronkel Yes, I just meant frame counting the video using a video tool. The IL(s? I think I've only done one so far) were timed using the timing scheme in the rules. Sorry for the confusion.

Insomnimatics och Bronkel gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

I'm not sure if the ILs are timed to the frame for the millisconds, I've never checked. Those are shorter, so it's more appropriate there. In any case, if people want milliseconds I'd be willing to time top 5 verifications in the way I described, it's not really a big deal. I would just like if that level of rigour with the millisecond timing was maintained.

Bronkel och Insomnimatics gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

I'm not a fan of milliseconds. There's still a lot of time (many seconds) to save.

If milliseconds were to theoretically be done, they would have to be done right. Downloading the video, finding the exact start and end frames of the run, calculating them based on the video frame rate. These will never be 100% accurate, as a stream can be at 30fps, 60fps, in any case different from the console's frame rate. Just a point.

EIGHT och Bronkel gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

Enabling the "Display FrameCounter", "Display Input", and "Display Messages" options in BizHawk and requiring the use of a soft reset instead of a core reboot so the frame counter doesn't reset should be enough to show there's no movie being played.

Insomnimatics tycker om detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

Individual levels: I'm sure a bunch of my gold splits from full game runs are "world record" IL times. I don't think these differ enough from what you would do in a run to warrant separate boards, besides maybe Exile.

New categories: Normal is the most reasonable new category request here. The rest just don't really add anything significant (like all bugs and "exploitless") or are even impossible to beat the game with (in the case of upside down). The game is just a short linear platformer with no upgrades that change the game experience, it's not like Ocarina of Time or a Mega Man X game where each category is played much differently based on upgrades and huge route differences etc.

None of the changes requested here seem like they would make the boards better, just bigger. Which is kind of questionable since the game has so little content to work with anyway.

It's hard to take this seriously. It's all kinda kneejerk and resentful and none of the changes are important enough to make me think "yeah, that's a good idea". Seems a little bit like trying to win some sort of fight just for the sake of winning. Is it just a matter of principle? Maybe, I don't know. I can't really support anything here.

EDIT: Also, I wasn't asked for any opinions on the document before it was posted despite having been taking the game down for years, before there even really was a community. So who is "The Community"?

ROTFLandmines, poisoncurls och 2 andra gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru4 years ago

Who wrote this PDF? It comes across as some anonymous revolutionary manifesto which is a little... extra, to say the least.

pile, ROTFLandmines och 2 andra gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru7 years ago

Agree with removing CriscoWild as mod and adding Luiz and Hetfield instead. The fact this even happened shows this website is seriously flawed.

LuizMiguel tycker om detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru7 years ago

Or you can not do that.

zewing, Celestinno och 4 andra gillar detta
Newfoundland, CanadaAkiteru8 years ago

I have a playlist of small optimizations I have been updating fairly frequently. The time saves are pretty small but they're here in case someone wants to take a look: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK1fdFPHSsq4CiXdOFtZiMuNMLzZ6Z8kh

TM tycker om detta
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