Admi3 years ago


n1ck_ tycker om detta
Admi3 years ago

Congrats on the WR

Admi3 years ago

The Sultan doesn't work for this glitch... and several other vehicles.

Admi4 years ago

Back in April I discovered that you can clip through buildings (and even out of bound) using a glitch when Huang gets into a vehicle. So far I haven't found any useful strats for this except for "Clear the Pier" after using the save glitch.

What you need to do is to get a vehicle (only some works with this glitch) and park the driver's side near a wall or anything to clip through (make sure there is just enough gap). Then, climb over the vehicle and press enter vehicle while standing near the driver's side. While Huang is opening the door, cancel the animation by moving and he should clip through most solid objects.

Konepe tycker om detta
Admi4 years ago

This occurs when I start Rampage with Taxi/Vigilante. Dying while still doing Taxi/Vigilante will teleport you to the hospital and starts the Rampage there.

Admi4 years ago

This also works on the Android version but I have to use a garage to get it to work.

EDIT: Some notes; The vehicle you use doesn't stop when you deliver the patients to the hospital. Patients might have a hard time getting into certain vehicles You can only complete one wave before it fails you for not being in an ambulance Additional note: The timing is a lot easier with this method though not sure whether it'll save more time in the overall run since you need to go back to the garage to do it again, but you'll be able to use a much faster car than the ambulance. EDIT2: I've managed to find a way to not rely on the garage and start the ambulance mission without crashing while on foot. The timing is key, start the mission and exit the ambulance almost immediately after while holding the exit button.

Admi4 years ago

Probably due to the fact that the Ambulance mission instantly fails if you leave the ambulance so it's impossible to start the mission if you're outside of the ambulance. Android - crash PSP (emulator) - crash

Admi4 years ago

The glitch involving the rampage seems to work best with PSP as the Android version will just teleport you back. For example, starting Giorgo's side mission along with the taxi side mission will make it so that you'll be teleported back to Giorgio after cancelling taxi on Android. Not sure whether the same can be said about the DS and iOS version as I didn't test it on those platforms.

I've also tried starting Wilhelm's first encounter alongside Driven to Destruction but that only fixes the camera on Zhou Ming after the cutscene ends. Since getting busted or wasted are the only ways to fail Zhou Ming's mission, you'll be teleported to the hospital or police station. This in turn will immediately fail Wilhelm's side mission.

Admi4 years ago

On 27 March, I realised that somehow I encountered a glitch where my money and ammo increased a lot on Android. The ammo got maxed out at one thousand bullets while the money at around $9,999,999. I can't remember doing what exactly to cause it. The last I thing I remember was replaying "Flatliner" but I'm pretty sure that it might have occurred before that. The only advantage in a speedrun that I can think of is getting the money for some missions and buying houses in 100%. I didn't use any cheat as the stats says that 0 cheat has been entered.

Om Admi
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