The newly found glitch for level 1 is cool and would be accepted in "Level 1 -any%" which would make it FINALLY different from its 100% counterpart from the individual levels, but it is not important to create a brand new category for the full-games just to save a second. So, to disallow it in "Fullgame", "Complete the Tutorial" and in "Spin" [from mysc.] (3) categories, it would be necessary to start counting the time on first frame of the gameplay, as everyone expects, when you leave the menu for the level 1, and right after your first click to drop the ball on first time on first frame as the circle around fades away... if there are few people with almost tied records in those full games as time progresses, a Glitched category for those 3 full games would be needed to be added. For now, the only change that would be is that the Individual Level : Level1 Any% is different from its 100%
There is a similar glitch in Nox, where you start the game and leave after the intro cutscene and get back to the menu to start a new file after deleting the previous save - that allows the game to skip a cutscene. There is a similar glitch in the oldest classic pokemon game, if i dont mistaken that literally allows plenty of glitches to be introduced in a new savefile. If i dont mistake that category is called NewGame+ , i know its not exactly like here for Tweak Shot, but its basically resetting right after starting and I think we set the rules that we need to see the Menu right before the gameplay, which is why i say the time starts on the first imput right after the menu in level 1 for categories starting in level1
Again as for Spin! game, there are inconsistencies for Timing. In this text, "Circle" means the circle around the player. The main rule is that we calculate time from the frame that comes after the Circle starts to disappear/fade away, but there are 3 problems First, ive seen the circle disappear