Time saving stuff
9 years ago
Illinois, USA

you the real mvp


A guy named duuhrensohn came into my chat while I was practicing and explained me a faster strat to get the level 4 key in the ancient city:

Georgia, USA

Good videos, I've got practice to do!

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France


here is a setup for the treetop village jump at bridge (using visual cue) :

Georgia, USA

Here's the full notes-

Hello to all you Turok fans out there!

We have set Update #2 live on Steam now! It contains the following fixes:

ChangeList (1.4.6 Patch #2) Fixed random sounds mysteriously relocating/repitching sfx Emulate the ceiling glide glitch found in original game Replaced all sounds of the game with the N64 version of the game. Quality is actually significantly better than the original 1997 PC port Fix back/exit button on joystick menu Localization for hub key plaque messages Add a fatal error call preventing crash for missing vertex attribute array support common to Win 8.1-10 default WDDM drivers missing OpenGL 2.0 support Enemies can now be blown away while in the death state Use generic spark for metal (robot) grunt subtypes when hit by knife Green blood and non-blood support (toggled in violence options) Localize extra life string GPU memory optimizations and cleaner implementation of Bloom post process Fixed light scatter post process for intel chipsets Possible fix for multiple weapons showing at once Fixed memory leak and flooding of nested kexParsers due to level scripts not being properly closed Refactor cheats and add unlock of infinite lives when you get max lives Support for hud opacity cvar Do not allow picking up backpacks when you already have one More fixes for preventing player from getting ejected into a room below him Don't holster weapon when entering anti-gravity areas Possible fixes to Mantis script logic Fix a problem where campaigner will not stun if he is locked in a melee cycle Special case checks for dealing with looping sounds played by sources Warp hum and waterfall sounds now loop Allow birds and monkeys be killed by particle accelerator because why not? Make some wind sounds loop Fix minigun/accelerator loop sound lock when holdstering Fix particles randomly becoming black Fixing tek arrow models

Dalarna, Sweden

90% Consistent way of climbing that first wall, inspired by Slayer's previous post. Jump at the section where you see the wall stick out a little bit. If your jump goes below it, you'll get stuck. If you get above it, you'll warp upwards. No mid-air jumps required.

Georgia, USA

That's really interesting. I messed with it some. Dying at the same time as Mantis doesn't work, it puts you in the death state but you can't move any.

Dying on the frame you pick up the key may work, but I was never good at frame perfect stuff. Try firing the grenade launcher directly at the ground and walking into the key hoping that you die on the frame you pick it up?

I tried dying after picking up the key but Turok is invincible during those cutscenes. I'll mess with this more though see if I can find anything.