New category
7 months ago

Hello Can you put back thé all crystal category please


All Crystal Stars would just be Any% til Chapter 7 so there's no reason for it currently, it could be a category in future if any% didn't require you to get All Crystal Stars

RayquazaKingdom tycker om detta
Texas, USA

yeah theres no sequence breaks. any% is All Crystal Stars

South Carolina, USA

I think All Bosses would make more sense!

Texas, USA

thats really just gonna be 100% lite in a sense because all bosses means youd have to do pit twice for whacka and fight mush and atomic boo and not skip shadow sirens 2. so its be any% with 2 pit runs which would just add like and extra 2-3 hours. I persoally wouldnt bother running that when any% and 100% are plenty. Without any sequence breaks this game does not need more categories unless more people are running enough for the base ones to actually get stale