3 years ago
California, USA

Hey. Starting to learn the game. It was brought to my attention today that the "Race Edition" romhack is permitted for the NOoB category(which is what I'm running), and that raised a question. If we're allowed to use a romhack that guarantees cave 1 technodrome, what reason is there to restrict emulator?

My understanding was that the FCEUX ban was because the consistent ppu/cpu alignment made frame targeting foe the cave 1 technodrome easier and therefore provided an advantage on the RNG grind. Is there some other reason FCEUX is banned that would still apply to categories that allow Race Edition?

FCEUX runs smoother (uses less CPU) on my computer, where as with Bizhawk and Mesen I'm more likely to get emulator lag (not the same as game lag). If I CAN use FCEUX, I would prefer to.

California, USA

for the record. just got my first completion, but was on FCEUX. not going to submit until we get a ruling on this.

tycker om detta

Are you the one from Jaws?

I do not know that, but what I was thinking is that now that Race Edition is allowed (that is not the exact exact game, imagine a Super Mario Bros. 3 no hands hack for example).

I think the category should go to Miscellaneous, is the only think I think it should go.

So we only have Any and Glitchless as the 2 main categorys, the others we just have it in the miscelaneous section.

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
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