Postad 1 year ago av

On January 30th SNK will be Updating KOFXV and adding in a New Offensive Gameplay Mechanic called "Advance Strike"! This will significantly change how the Overall Gameplay is for KOFXV so please take note if we once again make changes to The Leaderboard Listings for all Runs prior to This New Update as being a separate Listing Sub-Category Post-Update, much like We've done in the past with significant Updates! 🤔

For more detailed explanations on The Advance Strike Mechanic please refer to the Video Example Below:

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Postad 1 year ago av

Goenitz will be added as a FREE DLC Character to KOFXV starting on June 20th 2023 and will also become a Selectable Boss Character in the Boss Challenge Mode too! Because of this Goenitz has preemptively been added to a Leaderboard Option in The Boss Challenge Category ahead of his Release so that Runners can Submit Entries as soon as possible.

Stay Tuned for any Future Updates like if we end up running another Event surrounding this Boss Challenge, much like how we hosted that Prize Pool Event that we did for our Omega Rugal Challenge both here and on The Official SNK Discord last year :D

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Postad 2 years ago av

Hey Everyone! The Omega Rugal Boss Challenge SPEEDRUN Event has ENDED and we have our Final Results for those who were participating!

Omega Rugal Boss Challenge SPEEDRUN Event Leaderboards

(Again this is a separate listing than the actual List on the Speedrun Website since naturally we had Runners who submitted towards the Omega Rugal Leaderboards but not necessarily this Contest.)


1. @SprintGod at 13s 350ms

2. @MrCannotSpeedPogo at 13s 960ms

3. @sonichackedyou at 15s 100ms

Other Results So Far:

4. @Kazvander at 15s 800ms

5. @AT_Ryo_Sakazaki at 15s 950ms

6. @saenskur at 18s 880ms

7. @morshi_743 at 20s 560ms

8. @PSinha at 27s 560ms

9. @TheKHC at at 1m 08s 060ms

10. @RisingShogun at 1m 20s 510ms

Thanks Everyone who Participated! The #1 Winner will be notified on how to receive their Prize soon and there will be a similar Announcement for the Official SNK Discord Equivalent of the Event and their Different Prize distribution very soon too.

Stay Tuned for FUTURE Upcoming Events on the KOF XV Speedrun Leaderboards! :D

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Postad 2 years ago av

We just announced Details for KOF XV SPEEDRUN Events in the forums!

Currently we will be running an Event for the New FREE Omega Rugal DLC Boss Challenge Mode from April 14th 2022 to April 28th 2022 on Speedrun and as part of Cross-Promotion on the Official SNK Discord with Prizes on both sides!

Feel free to check them out and take on Omega Rugal! :D

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On January 30th SNK will be Updating KOFXV and adding in a New Offensive Gameplay Mechanic called "Advance Strike"! This will significantly change how the Overall Gameplay is for KOFXV so please take note if we once again make changes to The Leaderboard Listings for all Runs prior to This New Update

1 year ago
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