Really good run. Very consistent on almost all levels. Didn't get as much of a timesave in Tower as I would've liked, but it was still pretty good. Epilogue was also a 3:11 gold, but a bump at the end stopped it from being a 3:10. There were also a lot of surprises in terms of timesave. For example in Down it felt really slow to me, but it was 1 second off of gold. House had a noticeable error in it, but was still almost tied with Gold.
There were also a bunch of minor mistakes that somehow didn't cost as much time as I thought they were going to, most notably I accidentally crouched in Notes and Epilogue, but neither level was that slow.
I guess I'm more consistent at this game than I thought I was. Somehow I'm only 16 seconds off of my SoB and I KNOW it's possible to go faster.