PSA: Looking for Syndicate (1993) runners to take over leaderboard
4 years ago
Śląskie, Poland

As in the title.

Marche, Italy

Hi, I am attempting Syndicate 1993 speedrun. What are the rules concerning DosBox speed? Gog set Dosbox cycles to 8000, which is an utterly low speed for this game. Can I set an higher number of cycles or I have to respect GOG settings? Thank you in advance.

Śląskie, Poland

That's the thing - they are not specified and I'd want someone who knows the game to take over moderating the leaderboard. Dosbox for me is a nightmare to deal with in general and I know that at least some games can pretty much take any kind of cycle value and run fine, but I have no idea how is it with original Syndicate.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago

I've played Syndicate occasionally and tried to speedrun particularly the Atlantic Accelerator level. All of it works pretty smoothly at 15k cycles, the 8k default is playable but not great.

I also find the Atlantic % category most interesting because there are different paths to that level and it is the most difficult one depending on tech.

Śląskie, Poland

I've put in baldnate in charge of the leaderboard. He is far better knowledge about the game and if he has trouble keeping up, he can set up new moderators as well. I'm gone from here, cause having just started a full-time job, I really don't have time (or energy) to moderate so many leaderboards.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago