Postad 2 years ago av

Hey, everyone!

After numerous messages from people, runners and non-runners alike, we have created a new Discord server - meant only for this community!

The link has already been added to the board. Whether you're a runner or not, we look forward to seeing you join!

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Postad 2 years ago av

Hi everyone!

It's been great hearing so much great feedback about the changes!

And some points of discussion have been raised such as "Where is 100%?" Do not worry, myself and the mod and verifier will be discussing the talks of an actual 100% that is not based around completing one survival map, but instead actually 100% Where you do everything that would warrant it for the trophy/achievement, so being able to die is allowed!

This is because it was never a requirement for the achievement, We will be updating everyone at a later point with the 100% Category and about the possibility of a new category in general which will be a community decision.

Hope to see some runs!

LC :)

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Postad 2 years ago av

Hi everyone!

I am glad you like the new board layouts and are running the game again! EVEN ADDED LIGHTSABERS AS 1st 2nd 3rd and even 4th place!

New Background has also been added for a well-needed change of scenery.

I would like to welcome Sid3300 to the verifying team, we have taught them how to verify runs and they cannot wait to see your runs!

We have also added individual rules for each category, so please be sure to check them before submitting!

ALSO We are thinking about an official Discord Server for the speedrunning community where we can share strats, discuss changes easier and socialise!

The past two days have been extremely busy, but now we can crack on and enjoy running the game ourselves!

Good luck running!


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Postad 2 years ago av

Hi everyone!

Myself and Rose have moved every run to a new category that best represents the run!

We have also added console and PC split, we have added difficulty settings and removed 100% off each level and are instead creating a category where it will be true 100%!

We are also adding a new category called Collectable% in the next week or so!

We have also removed some categories which I understand no one agreed on which was Walker Assault Kills, I would like to apologise if people intended on running it more, but due to inactivity and no traffic for the category, we decided to remove it.

I hope to see everyone's runs soon!


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Postad 2 years ago av

Hi Everyone

Sorry for the news announcement again, I would just like to reassure you that your runs are not deleted, they are just uncategorised for now, me and the other moderator have Re Verified 200 runs in the last 6 hours. Only 424 more to go! :D

In this time we also have come up with an idea for the Collectable categories called - Collectable%- and 600% - I will be able to explain the rules when they officially are added!

Hope to see some runs soon!


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Postad 2 years ago av

Hi everyone, I would like to introduce our new Moderator and head of the layout InLikeTheRose!

They have a clear understanding of the game and are working hard to make the boards as accessible as possible!

I will also be teaching them how to time runs for the longer categories!

Please be patient with us while we move every run over to the new categories!

Hope you all have a great day!


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Postad 2 years ago av

Hi everyone!

I will be listening to the community feedback and I think we can all agree that PC/Console will have a split leaderboard to make it fair.

This is because enemies can be manipulated to spawn in different areas on PC due to FOV changers, and the ability to shorten cutscenes with different language settings which are not available on consoles.

Xbox Series S&X will be exempt from the console category due to them receiving an exclusive 120fps update which affects FPS and hit detection.

I will be on the lookout for a fellow moderator in the coming days, so if you would like to be one please have knowledge of the game and please send me a message!

Over the next five days, these changes will be taking place, the layout will be altered to have a more professional look such as the other games I moderate for.

Also! The official Speedrunning Star Wars server is linked on the page, this should have been here a long time ago, but feel free to join!

I hope to see some amazing runs, I cannot wait!


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New Dedicated Discord Server!

Hey, everyone!

After numerous messages from people, runners and non-runners alike, we have created a new Discord server - meant only for this community!

The link has already been added to the board. Whether you're a runner or not, we look forward to seeing you join!

2 years ago
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