New Update
6 years ago
New Orleans, LA, USA

The Finisher Update has just dropped, and as essentially the lone moderator here, I would like to get some feedback on how we should handle the existing runs.

Link to announcement:

TLDR of Changes - -Added Finishing Moves -Rebalanced overall gameplay (especially in the early game) -Expanded Skill Tree

  • Bosses can be fought again for reduced rewards -Player marker added to the map -Minimap legend -Modified Tip system -Load Times Reduced

Also the announcement promises additional updates in the future.

So the question is this... I imagine that keeping the runs as is should be fine, and that there's no need to invalidate them or move them to an Old Patch category, given that most of the updates can only improve times. Any feedback on this?

Texas, USA

Thank you so much for posting this. Had no idea it came out.

Started a casual Resist run through, and I agree it doesn't seem different enough to warrant a new category.

Other small changes I've noticed:

  • Generator rooms in 1st Zone (West with the horde fight, East with the miniboss) locations have been slightly changed. Just faster to get too now.
  • The Skill Tree is the same, but with added paths with keystone talents that make the finisher better
  • Hidden Elder Fragment in the 3rd region is a lot more clouded by the kill gas. To the point where I didn't even know if I picked it up. Currently killed all mini-bosses and got all the other regions hidden elder fragment, so I probably didn't. Anyone confirm that this Elder Fragment is still there (A bit above the highest point of the west elevator)?
  • Picked up the dash ability before picking up the gun, but wasn't able to get talents from that tree. May have changed it that you NEED the tree unlocked above the one below it which sucks. Meaning you need Gun > Dash > Hook and Jump > Smash > Boots.

Details on the finisher: Landing hits on enemies fills up the finisher gauge. After 12 hits, you can use a finisher ('Y' on my X-Box controller I use on PC), and release a pretty good hit on the enemies. The gauge does start to empty after an amount of time. What finisher you use depends on what you are doing when you press the button. Pretty sure there are more, but these are the ones I saw in my run. Standing on the ground: Large whip that hits everyone in front of you multiple times In the air: Attack that looks like the last hit in the combo, but bigger Up Air: A series of attacks that gets you pretty good height. Down Air: Some kind of spike ball that is a set distance below you? Didn't use this one much.

The Talent Tree has made ways to improve the finisher:

  • Reduce the amount of hits before using finisher by 1. I think the lowest this can go is 8-7?
  • Remove the gauge decay
  • Crits give an extra point on the Gauge
Texas, USA

Other important note, that may mean the old version of the game is faster, is that the old Keystone Talents, such as Hysteria's Hammer, have gotten nerfed. Most of them have gone from 30% to 15%, except Health and Shield which are 20%. Meaning: Damage has gone down Luck has gone down Armor has gone down

New Orleans, LA, USA

Oh my, damage and luck going down might be somewhat significant, since that's pretty much the #1 thing we build for. I may have to give it a couple shots sometime soon, even thought my run is hardly optimized at all.

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