Moderators' Thread
5 years ago

Topic for general discussion about Moderators, though it is also in order to discuss about a specific thing, a Moderator Cleanup.

I think that moderators should be people that come/check here regularly, like at least once every few days... But it looks like that many of the current ones are no longer around... Many things have been discussed recently so they would not even have any clue about the new General Rules, the All Tracks Gp or the new Addons Subgame...

Brmbrmcar "Last online 3 months ago" Kitoko "Last online 26 days ago" and I did not see him since months in the Stk Community Alayan "Last online 1 month ago" though I feel that he is still around and interested in Stk and Speedrunning Alistair is clearly still involved in Stk but no longer for Stk Speedrunning... In another hand I have the feeling that Andet is 24/7 here Lol

It does not really make sense to have inactive moderators so we should do some cleanup (once again, as another one was done in the past) The current inactive or seemingly inactive moderators should come post something and explain if they plan to become active again or don't longer want to moderate (or if they want to remain Mods despite being unable to come here often, I already myself disappeared once after all so that is fine; in this case they should have reasons for both inactivity and motivations). Now I am only a Regular Moderator so Super Moderators that don't want to moderate anymore would need to remove themselves and assign that role to Andet or me (and if they really disappeared, well... We can't really do anything I guess)

In the past the system was something like I submit some runs, I ask to become a moderator, I become one (and this was basically the way I become one Lol); such opening is cool but after some time many eventually disappear and cleanups are unavoidable...

Alistair_Findlay, Kitoko och 2 andra gillar detta
Tasmania, Australia

I had considered asking @brmbrmcar to leave, since they have never submitted a run. I was approached about the possibility of adding @theodorepringle as a moderator, and therefore asked brmbrmcar to remove themself from the position.

You shoulda DMed me on Discord, i woulda replied instantly lol. I have Discord on pc and phone, whereas has notifications on neither.

If you do not like proprietary software, maybe you could join the SuperTuxKart community on Matrix instead of Discord, we could find each other there also and start up a conversation. I have that installed on PC and phone also, also.

theodorepringle och Andet gillar detta
Tasmania, Australia

The like button and edit functionality are currently broken on, I will thumbs up on your post when it is back, lol.

Andet tycker om detta

I've been less around about verifying runs and such in recent times, but considering my history of speedrunning STK and my role in STK's development, I think I still have good legitimacy to stay as SuperMod.

I probably won't try another serious run until I get a beefier system though.


Proprietary is not really the problem (otherwise let's move my videos to PeerTube; that said I am sometimes considering to do this). I just tend to forget that Discord exist, I am not really into it Lol At least I think that discussion about should really happen here in this forum. If we promote new moderators we should discuss here...

So Ok, the Brmbrmcar case is closed, and I assume that both Alistair and Alayan are still very motivated to stay moderators here, and they have appropriate past for this. Though moderators should not only verify and run (otherwise they should only be verifiers), but also participate in discussions and lawmaking/category editing, and check here often... Now the remaining case is Kitoko...

Ontario, Canada

I'm actually gonna do 0.9.3 for a mini NASA Marathon, and I wanted to get back into this game anyway, so I put 0.9.3 Any% into it since it's the version I know the most and I know it has a lot of players too, so there will be a lot to talk about.

Alistair_Findlay, Alayan och 2 andra gillar detta
United States

Cool! :)

Alistair_Findlay tycker om detta

This Topic has been accumulating some dust for 5 years, but I am glad to announce that @Haenschen has been promoted to a Moderator!

It has already been a while since I considered making him Moderator, and him pointing out a verification mistake I did lately only further confirmed this sentiment and prompted me to give him an opportunity, which he gladly accepted.

There is no doubt that Haenschen is qualified to make proper Verifications and enforce the Rules, and he is in great terms with fellow Speedrunners and himself a very strong player capable of beating Records. He closely follows SuperTuxKart development, and certainly knows better about Addons than the other Moderators including me, which can definitively help. His Ghost Repository is a great contribution to the SuperTuxKart Speedrunning Community. I am sure that he will be a great Moderator.

Now, I am sorry to say that some who call us Lazy Gods might be disappointed as he is also not someone who can check 24/7 the site. But well, with 4 of us, your runs will be verified 33% faster than with only 3!

Haenschen och trolli123 gillar detta
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