are we allowed to change health/bombs?
3 years ago
United States

I seen the new hard WR has 5 health/bombs? Is this allowed just wondering cuz I will start grinding again lol.

tetsuoooo, pile, och Squabbler gillar detta
Connecticut, USA

anything goes with this game lol mods have no idea what theyre doing. gg on the sub 12!

pingtoe och tetsuoooo gillar detta
California, USA

gg pingtoe, my king

pingtoe tycker om detta
Connecticut, USA

concerning this topic, and lol at my old post here... i have talked with a few people and we have come to the agreement that changing the amount of bombs and lives at the start gives a huge advantage and is not fair to old runs, and we will be taking off runs that have recently used this. its only 2 runs, i spoke with one of the people, and the others were banned from src for cheating so its not an issue.

will specify in the rules that default amount of bombs and lives only. thankyou for being flexible!

pingtoe tycker om detta

there are 4 independent settings: bars/life, bombs, lives and difficulty level. it would be helpful to specify clearly which settings are to be used in each category.

there are runs up that are still running non-default settings, some runs don't even have videos to check settings, making this arbitrary decision to remove select runs several years old very confusing.

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