Hi, like the title say i'm gonna do a 16 stars run with a steering wheel, i wanted to know if i submit it, will it be accepted or not because of the steering wheel ??? ty
doesnt matter if it gets accepted or not. Just do it for yourself for fun anyways! getting accepted on this website doesn't really mean anything lol
@Koune i think any controller can be used as long as it fits the controller restrictions at the end of the rules
@DJBunyan while i absolutely share your mentality, i don't think he said he wasn't going to run it in rejection case lol; and for the sake of the the leaderboard, better asking than just submitting if it isnt allowed lol
Nah DJBunyan has the right idea tbh. CZR can do sub-20 runs for 16 star with a drumset. Sometimes you just gotta go for it whether it's accepted to the LBs or not.
I share your sentiments on this, I run this game and other games but I can't get any of my runs verified since I only use android emulators, but it doesn't stop me from having fun and adding new tricks to my repertoire ok skips I can do
A different type of controller and a different type of hardware are different things though. Mobile emulators just aren't accurate enough sadly. The gba ones are a perfect example of this.
if youre playing on an allowed platform i see no reason as to why you wouldnt be able to
We would like to announce that VC and EMU subcategories are now active on the Stage RTA leaderboards (under "Levels"). Stage RTA involves collecting all the stars in a given stage including the 100 coin star. Timing starts on star select and ends upon collecting the final star. You are allowed to us