Bowsers fury cycles question.
1 year ago
United States

Hi! I’m a sub-45 minute bf runner. I’m wanting to learn how cycles work. In another game I like to speedrun, NSMB2, there is a cycle in a few castle levels for where obstacles will be, and doing the level a certain way can make you go faster or not mess you up. Is that how it works in this game?

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta

In resources, there's a link called "How Cycles Work" :

If you're reading this, you're in for a wild ride

United States

Yeah I tried reading it a few days ago, and it seemed like if you get the shines quota fast enough then you take less time to get the next fury fight. Is that right?

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta

Yes. Every cycle has a quota. You want to reach every quota asap, because if it gets met for that cycle, the remaining time gets cut in half.

Fir's GDQ run from 2 years ago, I think, does a stellar job explaining it with a bus analogy.

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