Does this count as cheating?

In the Death categories, some people stay in place until the mom kills them… is this allowed or not?

Friandises_, Blazer_AG och 2 andra gillar detta
United States

that is true, and since its already been extremely abused, ill just keep the rules as is for now

Friandises_, Zanum, och Gaming_64 gillar detta
United States

It's silly tbh. And isn't entertaining in a speedrunning way. Can't take this seriously.

Friandises_, lolfrr, och Blazer_AG gillar detta
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Retiming rule change for V1.2.8+

Hello Slendrina speedrunners! Slendrina Asylum has been added back to Play Store and updated to V1.2.8, And this update is major, Kind of.

Anyways, I wanna point that V1.2.8's retiming rule was changed due to that update changing the original concept of the game and improving it, So we've retimed a

1 year ago
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