Glitch/Skip Findings
7 years ago
New York, USA

Please post any interesting findings here!

To start this off, yesterday Phatank and Kain found House Skip, which as the title implies, skips having to go into Kate's house and find the flashlight + key. Here is a demonstration video I made:

Not very hard to pull off. After performing the glitch just sprint outside the borders of the level to the little building with the collectable that ends the level, click on the brick wall until you get it.

New York, USA

Fence Float Skip - found by Phatank:

Similar to house skip but more difficult to perform. Angle yourself as in the video and elevate CR using the ladder trick (making tiny left and right movements repeatedly) and when you get high enough, carefully hold right and walk on top of the fence. Move forward then make a right turn and move onto that fence, then go forward again. You're now in the path beyond the chapel that you run through to end the level. Instead of going through the path, go backwards towards the chapel and approach the door. This is IMPORTANT - getting near the door is the trigger for the level ending, so make sure you remember to do this. After getting near the door, you'll hear banging noises. When this happens, immediately turn around and finish the level as you normally would.

MasterGow tycker om detta

Great job guys !

Illinois, USA

Absolutely fantastic! Can't wait to try this on console!

New York, USA

The Arrival death warp, found by Phatank:

This death warp takes you right to the beginning of the fire sequence instead of having to walk to it, saving up to 30 seconds or more if done very well.

Get around the area as shown in the demonstration, and look forward; it's not too precise. Now, walk forward and mash your Esc key to constantly open/close the pause menu. Keep going until you pass the line of trees, then drop down near the rocks. Walk forward and fall down to the ground; if you did it right, the screen will turn black and Lauren will be killed. When the next menu comes up, press "Retry", and bam, at the beginning of the fire section.

New York, USA

Flashback death warp, found by Phatank:

This warp saves around 20 seconds and is similar to the previously found one. Get to the position in the video; again, not super precise. Walk forward while repeatedly pressing the Esc key and drop on top of the rocks in the video. Walk forward and get enough momentum so you can slide down the hill and fall to your death. Click Retry when the option comes up, and you're taken to the entrance of the VHS tape shack.


The Arrival Strats - camera before keys viable method :


I found a glitch for the new update.

It requires two playthroughs, so it may not be allowed in runs unless the moderators allow it.

I also misspelled "go through the door." So ignore that.

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