Playstation 2 Version Diffrences
5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Alright I'll see if I can hook up my Ps2 this week and test for myself too. Thanks for the tips.

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Pennsylvania, USA

My PS2 is dead (2nd one in less than a year). Looks like I'll have to buy a new one before I can test. I'll order one and test as soon as I can.

Pennsylvania, USA

finally got a new PS2 and should be ready to test this sometime in the next few days.

Pennsylvania, USA

Well I got 1hr31m16s in my first run on PS2 but I haven't played it in quite some time so some major rust is to be expected. I can confirm the skippable cutscene on the bridge and the changed route toward the end of the game in the Otherworld section.

I didn't get the speed up glitch but again, this is run #1. The intro does appear to load faster. Also, this is not at all related to the run but for some reason the coardboard cutout of the hot dog just before the swan boat section....well that cutout is completely missing in the PS2 version for some reason. Seems like such a weird thing to leave out but it's definitely there on Wii. I checked multiple recordings I did. No idea if it's there on the PSP version. I can test that one too soon.