Removing Load Times / Autosplitter
9 years ago
North Carolina, USA

It's gotten to the point where load times make up a non-negligible part of the run, this isn't fair to runners with significantly higher loading times (thebuttravage).

I've started working on a autosplit script for Livesplit, at first it will just pause the timer during loads, but I'd like to have it start automatically when you exit the intro cutscene and split automatically when the ending cutscene begins. I'm not too interested atm in having all splits automated, personally, just because it's more work for me if I'm the only one working on it.

One thing to note: with the pointer I'll be using, Client Synchronization won't be included in load removal since you have character control (or can just stand still and regain stamina).


United States

If this is still in the works, I would be interested in using this.

Additionally, would a specific patch have to be used, or is that not a factor?

North Carolina, USA

I've been meaning to reply to this for weeks, sorry.

I tried for a few days and wasn't able to find a working pointer, haven't tried since then because I had other projects (and AGDQ submissions) that didn't require hours to narrow down addresses and do pointer scans. lol

Someone else put together a complete auto-splitter that used log files, it was working for TheButtravage but wasn't removing loads when I tried using it. Pointers work better and the code is way simpler, but they take longer to find.

Neither of these require patching, you just add the .asl file to your livesplit layout (log method requires copying a few other files to your game directory as well).

I might look again before AGDQ, but it's slow and incredibly boring so don't expect anything from me

United States

Alright, I'll look into it. But by the looks of it, manually timing the loading screens (minus synchronization) and subtracting it from the final time would probably be sufficient for the time being.