Major Any% RNG points
6 years ago
Georgia, USA

Hey there. Just wanted to dump some thoughts I typed out regarding the major RNG points in the run. Writing them down has helped me keep in mind the areas where I can gain/lose the most time due to RNG.

Major RNG pivots (+/- 30 seconds or more)

  1. Bow drop time
  2. Necron AoE usage frequency/crits
  3. Hallow Mage stun length/crits (& casting paralysis on you more than twice)

Here are the slightly less relevant RNG pivots:

  1. Crits on Hanging Dead in poison corridor (Earth World?)
  2. Molebug blocking Earth World mineshaft (about 33% chance of horrible spawn that costs 5+s)
  3. Howler spawn pattern/crits in Monster World (sometimes get one extra/less Howler - not getting them saves time but you miss extra cunes, so less MP or HP potions)
  4. Pitcher enemies' Dorado's Ashes drop rate in Earth World (saves time on Edward if you would otherwise run out of arrows and Dorado's Ashes)
  5. Extra (up to 2) Molebugs blocking Earth World bridge before Apollos (~10s per extra bug over the 2 that always spawn)
  6. Apollos casting paralyze (you can lose up to 20 seconds here under full paralysis (if you don't die), but rarely)
  7. Fire World corridor Watchtower spawn before lava river (can sometimes run straight past even if you get it)
  8. Ebony Knight AoE frequency (usually doesn't matter but he can troll)
  9. Paralysis by flying fish when warping to fight Magi Magus
  10. Magi Magus bracelet drop (uncommon drop, more damage against Balron/Edward)
  11. Jester bracelet drop (uncommon drop, more damage against Balron/Edward)
  12. Hallow Mage Endless Amulet drop (common drop, more damage against Balron/Edward)

There is also the Wizard Crown that can drop from the 4th (uncommon) Molebug spawn before Apollos. This causes your spells to do significantly more damage (most useful against Apollos/Ebony Knight/Balron), but you trade ~10s by having that 4th spawn appear at all.

Note: RNG related to enemy AI is not fully understood. Many enemy actions are at least in part dictated by player positioning, but this does not seem to apply to Necron/Ebony Knight in a way that is usefully manipulable yet.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Georgia, USA

my run death heatmap is probably

  1. Necron
  2. Hallow Mage
  3. Lava river
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