New Runners/Rules Explaination
6 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Hello SF2:GB Runners, I'm glad you found your way here and I welcome you to this fun port of a classic!

I wanted to make a post for new runners to familiarize themselves with the rules and be transparent about the reasons they are in place.

To begin, the rules I have implemented are. . .

  1. Gambatte or BGB are the only allowed emulators

  2. Standard difficulty settings (difficulty 2).

  3. Timing starts after confirming character selection and ends on "you win" after M. bison.

  4. Sound is required with your video for verification reasons starting for any submissions after 7/25/17.

The reason these rules are in place currently. . .

  1. Visual Boy Advance has proven to be a reliable emulator for Gameboy Advance games only, and is inaccurate for original Gameboy/Color games. Please use Gambatte or BGB to avoid any chance of rejection.

  2. At the time of this, the only category is "Beat the Game". I keep the category as simple as possible, cut the game on, don't adjust any of the in game settings. The default starting difficulty is "2".

  3. Start the timer when you confirm your chatacter (there is an audio cue). End the timer after you defeat Bison (the second time) and the words "You Win" appear. I chose this as the end split to give everyone a chance to get to their split button after the fight.

  4. Please include the game audio with your submissions as they help greatly with verification. The start time is based off of an audio cue.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the rules and why they are in place. Good luck on your runs!

*4/10/18- Edit for grammar corrections *3/6/18- Edit because I spelled "cue" queue. *6/30/19- Edit for aesthetics for the new site layout

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago
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