Submitting a Speedrun
8 years ago
Saskatchewan, Canada

This is my first speedrun that ive ever submitted and i wanted to get direction on how to do so. The current run is 4:16:07 run of estival versus and i have the video for it as well. However it was streamed without splits nor active timer and the broadcast due to bad internets disconnects randomly. This time i of 4:16:07 is what i have from a seperate timer i used during the run, the run if looking at the videos is a 4:15:57. The difference of 20 seconds being becuause of the broadcast stopping and restarting. The videos were broken down into 2 parts due restarting the stream once but the timer for the run still ran during this time. If anyone could help with submitting this i would greatly appreciate it.

Saskatchewan, Canada

so i can combine those 2 videos upload that 2 youtube and give a link to that and you will approve?

North Carolina, USA

Twitch cutting VODs in half is extremely common and can happen simply from someone hosting your stream. When submitting runs with that, you just submit the first part as your submission, and then post the other parts in the comment so that it's easily accessible and simple to find.

Timers are not required to be on video in speedruns. There's many people who post raw gameplay and use a timer off-camera (especially common in Japanese Super Mario 64 runs-- like Xiah who holds world records). It's inconvienient for Mods who probably have to retime it ourselves if there's something fishy, but there's no reason to reject a run just because someone is using their phone as a timer for example and streaming using the PS4's Twitch feature. LiveSplit or XSplit shouldn't be a requirement for someone to speedrun.

I went and looked at your Twitch page, Saravati. I skimmed the two videos and only could find one disconnect but that disconnect was around 6 minutes long. It's hard for me to really give a concrete answer, because in the Senran Kagura 2 boards there's a run posted without video. But I watched it live myself, and the runner didn't care enough about the game to highlight it. There's also several runs in other games where the run is missing footage because of someone hosting them and getting quality options so Twitch gets all Twitchy.

So I'd have to go with what Token said in the last message, where it entirely depends on how much is missing, or the circumstances. Your VOD is missing like 6 minutes of gameplay, though it has sound. I'm admittedly much more lenient than most moderators on the site. But because I haven't played the game myself yet (no PS4 yet), I'd probably leave it to Token to decide as he submitted the game and definitely has more knowledge than me on the route (TeaOfJay also beat the game, but hasn't started routing yet).

Saskatchewan, Canada

Okay thanks for the responses. Ill submit it one more time with this youtube video and in the description ill provide the link to the two parts of the run from my twitch. I know this game is obviously not the most competitive, my biggest reason for hoping to submit this run is to provoke or promote more people to run/submit runs of the game since by no means is my run optimized in the slighest. I am aware that these videos are poor due to disconnects and parts missing the actual footage and only having sound but i hope yous can trust me enough that i would not submit a phony run.

Saskatchewan, Canada

Okay so i just went through the whole video. The little 6 second video drops which i just remebered are when i accidentally hit the save button. Ps4 streaming client drops video footage when you save games. i did this about ~10times. this is an example of that. you can see that i pressed the save button in the video then turns to the no video screen. there are other examples of this i can provide but its the same thing.

the second most iffy part of this video is starting the run since it brings up the save screen if you time this run from the moment i press new game there is no problem here which is what i did with my 4:16:07.

the biggest iffy part is when the broadcast was interupted due to the poor internet failing. this is the part where i have to restart the steam after i finish the mission im on. Now the video is down during the mission called "Last words". You can see it drops mid way through the mission and according too the sound u can tell when i finish it, after that i restart the stream and pick up where i was at the next mission "Mama". Now because the i had to restart the broadcast if you time the run by the video alone my run is a 4:16:00 however that would make my run a two segment run i think is the correct term meaning i stopped the timer till the broadcast was live again. However on the other timer i had running i did not stop the time so i could get a proper single segment run and that time was 4:16:07


Hello I run into the speedrun senran kagura and I have a question to the moderator. on the Levelboard of Minori in the rules we are told to do the final split at the time of the last note, but on the run I see that split at the time of the final blow. so I was wondering when we actually split for this run? because the time given on the leaderboard is that of the final blow. I would like to have the information before submitting my run. thank you in advance

North Carolina, USA

Yeah it's on final Grade. That run was done before those rules happened when the series was going through renovations to make rules consistent. So it was grandfathered in, however I can retime it with the current ruleset.
