NG+ Any% routing ideas
3 years ago
United States

I've added my notes to the guides section, but I wanted to write down a couple other things for possible reference.

  1. Untested, but it might be possible to save a small amount of time against Mouri if you set up a couple Battle Permits beforehand. This would require you to start with at least 185 points if you keep the same item loadout in the notes.

Omachi should get the Popularity Staff until the Kouhime/Sill scene right before the scene introducing Shimazu. At that point, you'd switch Omachi and Daidouji to Battle Permits. With enough luck, Omachi and Daidouji will both attack Izumo on that turn, and you can safely defend any counterattack. From there, you'd switch Omachi to Tange Dog, dismiss/unequip Daidouji, and finish claiming Izumo.

Obviously this idea would require multiple things to go your way on top of everything else. Specifically, you'd need Tenshiism to not ruin their troop totals, and you'd need both permit users to pick the right target consecutively. Still, it's an idea that might be worth testing if you want to save a little time. (Having Daidouji around will probably mess with enemy troop scaling though, so that might be a drawback.)

  1. I haven't put much effort into ironing it out yet, but it appears that the 165+ points notes mostly work for 5-star difficulty as well. You'd obviously need to make some tweaks, but it's surprising how much applies. It appears that the main snag is funding, so you'd want to take the Jizo bonuses + 10,000 starting gold. This allows you to abuse the troop limit/cost gates to get the necessary troop counts for your tanks. You'd probably also want to go up to 40 satisfaction instead of 30 to make that happen.

The other snag seems to be that you'll need to resign yourself to safety saving at certain points. I'm not sure you'll be able to get around reloading at specific points until the enemies don't counterattack you, because you just don't have enough Instant Time Pass to block everything.

So yeah, that's all I have for now. Hopefully this is useful to somebody. :)

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