Analogue-Skating set up through Steam?
4 years ago
Florida, USA

I think I might have found another option to set up the joystick for analogue skating. I tried to use Joy2Key as per Maxy but for some odd reason my controller wouldn't take to the changes?

So, down below is the video of my demonstration showing a quick set up and another (hopefully "legal") option to set up the analogue!

Be Gentle <3

Florida, USA

...and I'm just now seeing/reading that setting this up through Steam isn't allowed? Even though it functions the very same as Joy2Key as I show it in my video. I don't see an explanation as to WHY this isn't allowed but Joy2Key isn't being friendly with my set up and I've resorted to this.

United States

I don't see why not. As far as I have been able to figure out, and from talking to other people that use a DS4 controller to run the game, you have to set it up that way through steam as steam doesn't give you the option to change the DS4 control layout through the "General Controller Settings." The only way to even attempt to do it the way Maxy shows in his video, for a DS4, is to change the settings under the games "Controller Configuration" anyways. The set up is the same anyways, either way you are mapping a run button to the right stick and rotating it, this way just cuts out a program and makes it possible and simpler for people with DS4 to do it.

crayray_ tycker om detta
United States

As long as you're "performing" an action to stair skate (Which you are doing in your video) you should be fine. Check with the mods to be sure though.

crayray_ tycker om detta
Ontario, Canada

I wish i would've known this 2 months ago! I like the ps4 controller so much better than xbone

crayray_ tycker om detta
Florida, USA

Me too, my dude. Im a little stubborn and Im glad it paid off a bit for finding this. I think the key thing is having that input display to show you arent cheating the system. But Id rather wait for a mod to see this and confirm it before I start submitting runs in this categorey.

Tennessee, USA

This is actually been banned as a month ago. Which is sad cause I was using steam controller config and was the one checking to make sure it was legal. Mods came out with an answer after a bit a discussion and decided using steam controller config in not allowed. that is a short post and basically says no steam controller config.

Tennessee, USA

all my runs for the past month have been non-applicable because of this rule. I would really like to get this changed, that would have to be a community effort as I have already pleaded with them. Even show my controller on stream. I was told that if they were to allow steam controller config and other third party applications to remap in this way they would require controller to be showed on stream at all time. Idk maybe we can figure this out as a community.

crayray_ tycker om detta
Florida, USA

Yeah, I think the emphasis on having the "Input Display" on screen while recording should be a requirement if we are using other third party remapping tools that isnt endorsed from Maxy's Method.

Honestly, I don't see why it isn't a requirement to have an input display on all the runs here. We are still using 3rd party software to remap this the approved way; What makes it any different than going elsewhere with a program that is more cooperative if Joy2Key isn't playing ball?

RT59 tycker om detta
United States

I'm probably not gonna speed run this anymore TBH, I don't want to spend another $30 for an xbox one controller just so I can run this. Don't want to put the time in and get my time down enough to submit just to not be able to submit it or break my wrists learning OG stair skating either. Time to find a new game.

Pennsylvania, USA

Same .Bye bye birdie

Michigan, USA

I have the solution for you guys who want to use your playstation controller. Its in the boards now. Check it out. Might being you guys back to running the game. And my way is legal

RT59 tycker om detta
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