If you would like to request your random arbitrary category to be added to the random arbitrary leaderboard, request it here!
In your post, please provide the following:
The name of the category
The rules for the category
A video of you doing a run of the category
Any other details you feel are important
(I'm not on Refunct leaderboards because I haven't submitted my run, but I have a 3:01)
I thought about making Any% (Inverted Y-Axis). It sounds really meme, but it also sounds really interesting in my opinion. It's a matter of getting used to 2 kinds of movement. You can see that throughout the run, noticeably at button 7, I get super mixed up with y-axis.
Here's a run of me doing it:
Press the golden button as fast as possible. Runs are used on an auto-splitter. Runs are verified if and only if "Invert Y-axis" is set to "yes" and the menu screen is shown for proof.
I do feel like it will make grinding a bit more difficult when you have to show the menu screen at the beginning of each run. If anyone has another way to show proof for this, that'd be great.
Name: Any% One-handed
Rules: "Beat the game
Video proof is required, and In Game Time must be shown in the video.
New Game Glitch is not allowed" from any%
Only one hand may be used to perform any action used during the run (menu is exempt obviously).
Video must show both of the runners hands in frame the whole time, and only one hand may be touching any sort of controls.
Additional: If a runner doesn't have a webcam, a video taken by another camera may be used, but it needs to be synced correctly so that the movements in the game match what's shown in the video.
Name: any% crouched (?)
Rules: normal any% with NGG rules + the crouch key must be held at all times you are in control of the character (I used nohboard for this but a webcam would also work)
Other info: as far as i can tell through testing, any% without NGG is impossible (mainly due to the long springboard jump to the island)
I think the island jump is possible. I did once while messing around with this like 3 weeks ago and I landed it, but I might've accidentally let go of crouch and given myself extra speed by accident. The way I did it was by pretty much just BHOPing around on some spring boards and wall jumping to keep my momentum.
^ Yeah it's definitely possible to make the island jump with full running speed by bhopping to keep it, and in testing I felt like I sometimes got random speed boosts, so I'll do some more testing.
On a related (ish) note, 100% isn't possible as far as I can tell but 97% is (as if it needed to be more of a meme) and all cubes is very likely impossible.
Oh rad. Is there any way to create a script or like a pause buffer in Super Meat Boy where it'll just hold crouch the whole time?
Name: All Cubes% One-handed
Rules: "Complete the game and collect all 18 cubes
Video proof is required, and In Game Time must be shown in the video. from All Cubes%
Only one hand may be used to perform any action used during the run (menu is exempt obviously).
Video must show both of the runners hands in frame the whole time, and only one hand may be touching any sort of controls.
Name: All cubes but every time you collect a cube you solve a Rubik's cube, or "cubes cubed" for short.
Rules: "Beat the game and collect all 18 cubes
Video proof is required, and In Game Time must be shown in the video.
New Game Glitch is not allowed" from any%
After each refunct cube is collected, a 3x3 Rubik's cube must be scrambled with a 20-move computer generated scramble (displayed on screen), and solved in accordance with WCA regulations.
Additional: If a runner doesn't have a webcam, a video taken by another camera may be used, but it needs to be synced correctly so that the movements in the game match what's shown in the video.
Name: All Achievements
Rules: hit the gold button in under 4 minutes with less than 33% completion then achieve 100% completion. No NGG and no closing the game mid-run.
Additional: not sure if there's a good way to time this, personally I used an autosplitter to start the timer and then went back and retimed after the fact.
i like it, thought about doing it before. im for it and will get a run in, love to claim another category ext wr
Name: Duck% Rules: Beat the game with a duck of any species in your lap. video:
It was posted here 2 years ago, but I think that Cubes Cubed is a very good idea for an arbitary category.
Can we get softlock%? The goal of the category is to softlock yourself as fast as possible. My current best method is playing up until button 15 is rose then going back to 10 to Yusama Dive then navigating around the subsurface area and getting boosted back into the platform below button 15.
Can we get All Pipes? The goal of the category is to go through every pipe in the game. This is my current best run and route. The end time is 2:49.77 and I found a super cool and interesting route among other cool tricks. (Yusama dive 10)