Deterministic patch
3 years ago
Dublin, Ireland

i haven't played in like 3 months wtf the frick is a deterministic patch???

Zanum och Suurly gillar detta

patch where is spike glitch more consistent (not random)

Zanum och Suurly gillar detta
United States

It's basically a patch that makes the games tweener scroll at exactly 31 frames per second instead of averaging 31 fps, making spike glitch far more consistent and makes the game a lot smoother to play in general

Suurly tycker om detta
Śląskie, Poland

basically spike glitch is more consistent and based on the inputs you do instead of rng

Suurly tycker om detta

it make the game more gooder

NoiceGood, Cheese777 och 2 andra gillar detta
Dublin, Ireland

ireland gang was here


how do you donload this??

LordParoah tycker om detta
Utah, USA

It's in the Resources tab, look for "IGT Edition Deterministic Patch" and "Tournament Edition".

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(copied from discord announcement)

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